Israeli PM Netanyahu closes Al Jazeera offices

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announces on Sunday unanimous decision to close Al Jazeera’s local offices in Israel, citing alleged incitement
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Sunday that his government has unanimously decided to close the local offices of Al Jazeera, a Qatari-owned broadcaster.
Details on the consequences of this decision, its timing and whether it is permanent or temporary were not made clear immediately.
Al Jazeera’s operations in Israel and East Jerusalem will be affected, but not in the Palestinian territories.
According to Israeli media reports, the shutdown could last 45 days.
Netanyahu accused Al Jazeera of incitement, which the broadcaster vehemently denied.
The move escalates Israel’s long-standing dispute with Al Jazeera and could strain its relations with Qatar, especially during its mediation efforts to end the conflict in Gaza.
While Al Jazeera’s English-language branch operates in a similar way to other major channels, its Arabic-language arm has often been criticized for broadcasting statements by militant groups. It remains unclear how the closure will be implemented.
Al Jazeera, the Qatar-based broadcaster funded by the Qatari government, is known for its extensive coverage of events in the Middle East, including the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.
Throughout the war, Al Jazeera remained one of the few international media outlets with a presence in Gaza, providing coverage of airstrikes, the humanitarian crisis, and other developments.
Israeli authorities have accused Al Jazeera of bias and of collaborating with Hamas, the militant group that governs Gaza. However, Al Jazeera has denied these accusations and maintains its commitment to independent journalism.
Source: AP