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Gazans now represent 80% of all people facing famine in the world

Gazans now represent 80% of all people facing famine in the world
By Yagiz Efe Parmaksiz
Jan 20, 2024 4:31 PM

Gazans make up 80% of world population facing famine or catastrophic hunger.

In a recent statement from @UNHumanRights, Gaza has emerged as the epicenter of an alarming humanitarian crisis, now representing 80% of all those who face famine or catastrophic hunger in the world. UN experts, in their assessment, attribute the dire situation to the continued bombardment and siege by Israel.

The stark reality of Gaza’s suffering becomes apparent in the face of global indifference. The numbers tell a devastating story, revealing not just tragedy but a meticulously orchestrated calamity: nearly 25,000 lives lost, with almost 10,000 of them being children, their futures obliterated in the relentless onslaught.

Presently, nearly two million Gazans teeter on the brink of starvation, their struggle echoing as a silent scream amid the cynical geopolitical maneuvers. This is no natural disaster; it is a disaster by design—a siege that has effectively transformed Gaza into an open-air prison where the price of existence is unrelenting suffering.

While the UN’s words paint a grim picture, they fall short of capturing the daily horrors faced by Gazans. Each day becomes a battle for survival, a struggle for the next meal under the oppressive shadow of external forces.

The pleas for help and an end to the inhumane siege resonate into a void, met with apathy and political maneuvering. As the world watches, Gaza continues to bleed, its people trapped in a cycle of horror and neglect. The resilience of Gazans serves as a stark rebuke to those who have turned their backs on humanity.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 3:02 PM