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Demonstrations in support of Gaza in UK outside defense companies

Demonstrations in support of Gaza in UK outside defense companies
By Dogacan Basaran
May 1, 2024 4:04 PM

Human rights activists protest against defense firm that sells arms to Israel during demonstration in support of Palestine in the UK

Fifty pro-Palestinian protesters prevented staff from entering a facility operated by England’s largest defense firm.

Outside BAE Systems munitions factory in Glascoed, Monmouthshire, demonstrators gathered brandishing Palestinian flags and voiced pro-Palestinian slogans at two entrances.

Demonstrations in support of Gaza in UK outside defense companies

“UK weapons kill”

Signs carried messages such as “British weapons causing death,” “Halt the BAE-backed genocide,” and “Welsh arms fueling genocide.”

“We hope to permanently close these facilities,” remarked protester Neezo Dahan, self-identified as a human rights advocate.

“We’re exercising our democratic and fundamental right to oppose the ongoing genocide,” Dahan added, noting the participation of various groups, including members of the Welsh Peace Coalition, in the protest.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  May 31, 2024 7:01 PM