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‘Won’t yield to pressure,’ Turkish Cyprus President Tatar says

'Won't yield to pressure,' Turkish Cyprus President Tatar says
By Newsroom
Apr 8, 2024 11:42 AM

Turkish Cypriot president rejects pressure for talks and seeks recognition of their state

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Ersin Tatar announced on Sunday that he personally briefed United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the lack of common ground between the Turkish and Greek Cypriot sides in Cyprus.

Addressing reporters at Ercan Airport upon his return from a visit to the U.S., Tatar highlighted the efforts of the Greek Cypriot side to create an impression of an imminent negotiation process for Cyprus.

He stated that they have dispelled this notion through their engagements in the U.S., where U.N. Secretary-General’s Personal Representative Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar is assessing the possibility of common ground between the parties in Cyprus.

Tatar also emphasized that he had outlined his policy of affirming the TRNC’s sovereign equality and equal international status to all officials he met during his visit.

“We will not be coerced or pressured into negotiation talks while embargoes and isolations persist. We reject this approach. We are charting a new course, and this stance is unequivocal and clear.” 

Additionally, Tatar highlighted Guterres’ respect for the Turkish Cypriot side’s position, noting that any process must not begin under duress.

He conveyed to his counterparts that progress in negotiations could only be achieved with the recognition of the Turkish Cypriots’ acquired rights.

Tatar emphasized that any prospective agreement in Cyprus would require acknowledgment of the TRNC.

He affirmed their unwavering commitment to their rights and the policy advocating “sovereign equality and equal international status.”

During his U.S. visit, which began on April 5, Tatar discussed the issue with Guterres, officials from the U.S. State Department, representatives of think tanks, and leaders of nongovernmental organizations.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:19 PM