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Wife of PKK terrorist calls leader of terror group ‘prophet of prophets’

Wife of PKK terrorist calls leader of terror group 'prophet of prophets'
By Mustafa Cuhadar
May 6, 2024 5:34 PM

Ayse Effendi makes provocative remarks at a so-called ‘Rojava Revolution’ meeting in Northern Syria as she praised the leader of the terror group

The wife of Salih Muslim, the ringleader of terrorist organization PYD, PKK terror group’s Syrian offshoot, called the leader of the terror group the ‘prophet of prophets,’ igniting strong condemnation across Türkiye.

Ayse Effendi made provocative remarks at a so-called ‘Rojava Revolution’ meeting in Northern Syria.

She reportedly praised Abdullah Ocalan, the founder of the terrorist organization PKK, as “the prophet of prophets” for his leadership.

“We are comrades of leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan). We are fortunate, comrades! A leader like Apo has not come to the world and will not come. He is unparalleled,” Effendi said.

The PKK, designated as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the U.S. and the EU., has been responsible for the deaths of over 40,000 individuals in its nearly four-decade-long terror campaign against Türkiye. The YPG/PYD is its Syrian offshoot.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:19 PM