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UNRWA chief reviews book on Israeli war crimes in Gaza

By Newsroom
Apr 30, 2024 4:53 PM

UNRWA commissioner examines photographic evidence of Israeli war crimes in Gaza, including the use of white phosphorus, presented in “Evidence,” a book by Anadolu Agency

During a press conference at the U.N. Geneva Office, Philippe Lazzarini, the chief of the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, reviewed the book “Evidence”. This book contains documentary photographs showcasing war crimes allegedly committed by Israel, including its reported use of white phosphorus in attacks on Gaza.

The book was presented to Lazzarini by Muhammet Ikbal Arslan, the Geneva Correspondent of the Anadolu Agency.

Lazzarini expressed gratitude for the book presented by the Anadolu Directorate General and acknowledged its significance during the press conference at the U.N. Geneva Office.

“The Evidence” book documents the war crimes perpetrated by Israel in Gaza, where attacks targeted women and children indiscriminately, while many countries, including Western nations, remained silent, often citing a lack of evidence for the massacres.

In response to these allegations, Anadolu decided to compile the images captured by its photojournalists and cameramen with the intention of providing evidence in international law.

Prepared by an expert team in Turkish, English, and Arabic, the book, titled “Evidence,” was published to shed light on the humanitarian crimes committed by Israel in Gaza.

It includes photographs showcasing Israel’s use of white phosphorus artillery shells in densely populated civilian areas of Gaza, a practice deemed illegal under the Convention on Conventional Weapons.

Source: AA


Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:19 PM