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Türkiye backs South Africa’s genocide case against Israel’s atrocities in Gaza

By Newsroom
May 1, 2024 3:41 PM

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan emphasizes the urgency for international action regarding the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, announcing Türkiye’s decision to intervene in the case against Israel at the International Court of Justice

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said Wednesday that Türkiye has taken the initiative to get involved in the genocide case brought by South Africa against Israel’s atrocities in Gaza at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) during a press conference with his Indonesian counterpart, Retno Marsudi.

“Türkiye has decided to intervene in the case opened by South Africa against Israel in ICJ. With this step, we hope the process before the International Court of Justice will progress in the right direction,” the foreign minister said.

Fidan said that neither the Palestinians, Türkiye, nor other countries seeking justice and legality nor the international conscience will accept Israel’s efforts to subjugate the Palestinian people and expel them from their lands.

‘What more does international community expect?’

Lamenting the present Gaza situation, the foreign minister said: “In the 21st century, with deaths from hunger in Gaza, mass graves emerging where the Israeli army withdrew, and civilians, including women, children, the sick, and the elderly, being targeted without discrimination, what more does the international community expect? It is evident that compelling measures need to be considered.”

“We are facing a choice. We will either be on the side of law and humanity, or we will all pay the price for the problems caused by oppression together. I would like to emphasize once again, as a warning to countries that endorse Israel’s crimes but endanger the entire international system and security,” the minister added.

‘Humanity being tested in Gaza’

FM Fidan regretted that since the beginning of the crisis, Türkiye has warned and predicted that this humanitarian tragedy unfolding in Gaza could trigger social unrest around the world.

“Today, you can see that in countries unconditionally supporting Israel, people have taken to the streets. These countries must wake up as soon as possible to avoid reaching an even more alarming point,” he said.

The bloodshed in Gaza is not only that of the Palestinians; humanity is being tested in Gaza, the minister added.

‘Two-pronged approach’

Fidan went on to add that Israeli attacks on Gaza are being judged and condemned in the court of conscience. Undoubtedly, these attacks also need to be considered on a legal level.

“There are ongoing processes regarding these crimes of Israel at the International Court of Justice. Following South Africa’s application, we stated with satisfaction in our statement on January 3, 2024, that we welcomed this application,” the minister added.

Speaking about Ankara’s decision to intervene, the foreign minister said: “After South Africa’s application, our President directed how the international community would react and Türkiye’s intervention in this situation should be. From the outset, we have been pursuing a two-pronged approach to this issue. Firstly, we have conducted a comprehensive study with our legal experts to intervene in the case in a manner supportive of South Africa.”

We have conducted detailed research on how and on what grounds Türkiye can intervene legally, FM Fidan added.

The minister maintained that not only Türkiye but also other members of the international community have had earnest discussions on the conditions for intervening in this case and their thoughts on whether to intervene.

During this period, our legal experts at the ministry, our Ministry of Justice, and our academics at universities worked intensively together.

We have reached a certain point in our work. In parallel with this, in the second avenue, especially in the meetings I held with countries recognizing Palestine as a state, such as the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League countries, we have seen the following: Some countries are ready to take a stance on this issue.

‘South Africa in ICJ’

FM Fidan said that only two countries, Nicaragua and Colombia, have taken a concrete stance on this issue and filed applications. He said that Türkiye has the results of our evaluations to our President. “In accordance with the political decision taken, I would like to announce for the first time from here,” he added.

“We will continue to work with all friendly and allied countries on what more can be done on this issue and which countries can apply further,” the foreign minister pledged.

“When the legal text of our work is completed, we will make our official application to the International Court of Justice to implement this political decision. Turkey will continue to stand by the Palestinian people under all circumstances,” the minister concluded.

Source: Newsroom


Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:19 PM