Turkish Marlin USV participates in Sea Wolf II 2024 Exercise

Turkiye’s TCB 1101 Marlin-unmanned surface vehicle (USV) equipped with electronic warfare payloads participated in the Sea Wolf II 2024 Exercise from May 9 to 17, marking its first involvement in a joint exercise scenario with our combat surface platforms.
Included in the inventory of the Naval Forces Command as of January 19, 2024, the Marlin USV took part in the Select Observer Day on May 11 as well as electronic warfare and reconnaissance surveillance activities from May 14 to 16.
The capabilities demonstrated by Marlin USV, successfully commanded via satellite during the exercise, proved Türkiye’s leadership in this field at a NATO level.
The planned introduction of guided missile-capable USVs in the future will allow for the use of this capability as a force multiplier in crisis and conflict environments.
The Ministry of National Defense announced Marlin USV’s participation in the exercise through a post on X:
“The TCB 1101 Marlin-unmanned surface vehicle (USV) integrated with electronic warfare payloads, was deployed for the first time in a combat scenario alongside our combat surface platforms during the Sea Wolf-II/2024 Exercise from May 9 to 17, 2024. Acquired by our Naval Forces Command on January 19, 2024, Marlin USV participated in the Select Observer Day on May 11 and the EW and reconnaissance-surveillance activities from May 14 to 16 as part of the exercise’s operations in a Highly Threatened Environment phase. Additionally, contributions were made to the Defined Maritime Picture.
The capabilities demonstrated by the Marlin USV, successfully commanded via satellite during the Sea Wolf-II/2024 Exercise, showcased our country’s leadership in this field at the NATO level. With the planned introduction of guided missile-capable USVs into inventory in the future, this capability can be utilized as a force multiplier in crisis and conflict environments.”