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Turkish Foreign Ministry condemns attack on Turkish-Palestinian hospital

Turkish Foreign Ministry condemns attack on Turkish-Palestinian hospital Foreign Ministry condemns Israeli soldiers' attack on the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital in Gaza, the only center for cancer patients. (AA Photos)
By Newsroom
Jul 16, 2024 9:40 AM

The Turkish Foreign Ministry declared that a photograph published in the Palestinian media showing Israeli soldiers in front of the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital in Gaza is new evidence of Israel’s violations of international law and international humanitarian law.

The statement emphasized that the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital is the only center providing services to cancer patients in Gaza. It stated, “The damage inflicted on the hospital by Israeli forces and its use as a military base is part of Israel’s systematic policies aimed at exterminating the Palestinian people. We will continue to strive to hold those responsible for these attacks accountable before international courts.”

Last Updated:  Jul 16, 2024 9:40 AM