Turkish defense chief warns of possible Israeli attack on Türkiye

Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Guler has issued a stark warning that Israel could pose a direct threat to Türkiye, stating that “Israel is an aggressive country; it can attack us,” while suggesting the possibility of World War III breaking out at any moment.
Speaking during a live broadcast on TV100, a Turkish news channel, Guler emphasized that Türkiye must be prepared for any scenario.
When asked if Israel could be a direct threat to Türkiye, Guler responded, “Our President is warning society because he sees this danger. Would Mr. President express such concerns if he didn’t see a potential threat from Israel?”

‘We will evaluate every scenario’
Guler drew historical parallels, recalling how previous world wars started from seemingly minor events, warning that conflict could erupt unexpectedly. “Of course, we don’t want war, but we must always be ready,” he said.
The defense minister stressed that Türkiye’s priority is maintaining peace, but added that the country’s security forces are making detailed plans for any potential threat.
We are responsible for the security of the Turkish Republic and the Turkish nation. We will use every possibility and evaluate every scenario.
Defense Minister Guler
Guler’s comments come amid heightened regional tensions, with Israel’s military operations in Gaza and Lebanon sparking widespread concerns across the Middle East.