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Transportation Minister unveils Turksat 6A Logo, symbolizing national space ambitions

By Newsroom
May 5, 2024 4:08 PM

Transportation Minister Uraloglu announces the logo for Turksat 6A, the country’s pioneering domestic communication satellite, derived from the country’s visionary goals and patriotic symbolism

Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkadir Uraloglu said that they have determined the logo of Türkiye’s first domestic and national communication satellite Turksat 6A.

“We derived the inspiration for the logo of Turksat 6A, which will add strength to our space power and is Türkiye’s largest R&D project, from Türkiye’s Century vision and our flag, which we proudly wave,” Uraloglu expressed.

Minister Uraloglu, in a written statement, announced that Turksat 6A will be sent to Space-X’s center in Florida, U.S., in June.

Uraloglu pointed out that the production, assembly, integration, and testing of Turksat 6A were completed at the Space Systems Integration and Test Center which was established in Türkiye through the collaboration of TURKSAT, the Presidency of Defense Industries, and TUSAS.

“In the tests conducted, the satellite’s launch process and its resilience to all conditions were tested by simulating the space environment on the ground. We have completed all our tests,” the transportation minister evaluated.

‘Will represent the Turkish flag’

Saying that the “flight model” of the satellite has been completed, including integration, system-level tests, and final alignment measurements, Uraloglu emphasized that Turksat-6A is a milestone for Türkiye.

Uraloglu pointed out that Türkiye will develop its first domestic communication satellite platform with Turksat 6A, especially by producing critical components with local capabilities and reducing external dependency on the satellite and space sector.

“Considering that the value of a communication satellite is between 200-250 million dollars, the importance of this project for our country can be better understood. With this satellite, our country will be among the 10 countries capable of producing communication satellites, and with the experience gained from Turksat 6A, Türkiye will become a production center for communication satellites for the countries in its region,” the minister emphasized.

The Turksat 6A satellite is such an important R&D project that it will shape Türkiye’s future. As the first domestic national communication satellite of Türkiye, Turksat 6A will represent Türkiye and the Turkish flag in space, he added.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 3:08 PM