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TIKA oganizes iftar programs for thousands in Afghanistan

By Selin Atay
Apr 5, 2024 1:52 PM

TIKA hosts iftar gatherings for thousands in Afghanistan’s western provinces

Türkiye’s state-run aid agency, Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), organized iftar programs for various segments of society in the western provinces of Afghanistan.

TIKA oganizes iftar programs for thousands in Afghanistan

TIKA provided iftar meals for orphans in Afghanistan as part of its Ramadan initiatives. The Kabul Office of TIKA continued its aid distribution efforts, targeting low-income families in Afghanistan.

The aid organization prepared iftar meals for 1,500 people at four orphanages in Kabul, Kapisa, and Nuristan.

TIKA oganizes iftar programs for thousands in Afghanistan

The iftar program held at the Tey Mesken orphanage in Kabul saw the participation of TIKA Kabul Office officials, as well as Cenk Unal, the charge d’affaires of the Turkish Embassy in Kabul, and embassy staff.

Fazil Akin Erdogan, the coordinator of TIKA’s Kabul Office, emphasized their commitment to helping Afghan orphans, stating that their aid activities will continue during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.

TIKA oganizes iftar programs for thousands in Afghanistan

An announcement from TIKA’s Herat Office highlighted ongoing aid programs during Ramadan, prioritizing disadvantaged individuals.

The organization also provided iftar meals to 1500 children in orphanages in Herat, Nimruz, Farah, and Badghis provinces. Additionally, iftar programs were organized for addicts and disabled individuals in treatment centers.

TIKA oganizes iftar programs for thousands in Afghanistan

The announcement also mentioned an iftar hosted for local administrators and foreign diplomatic personnel at a hotel in Herat city.

The iftar event was attended by Herat Governor Nur Ahmed Islamcar, Turkish Consul General in Herat Sinan Ilhan, as well as Pakistani and Iranian diplomats, along with numerous United Nations personnel.

Through the iftar programs organized throughout Ramadan, TIKA’s Herat Office hosted more than 4,500 individuals.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 5:24 PM