TCG Murat Reis submarine floats at Golcuk Naval Shipyard

The TCG Murat Reis submarine, currently under construction and testing at the Golcuk Naval Shipyard Command, floated Friday, according to the Ministry of National Defense (MSB).
The Ministry of National Defense has revealed a new development that will enhance Türkiye’s submarine fleet. As part of the Reis Class Submarine Project (Type-214 TN), the third submarine, Murat Reis, floated into the dock at the Golcuk Naval Shipyard Command during a ceremony.
The ministry shared on its social media account that on June 7, 2024, Murat Reis, the third of six submarines under construction, outfitting and testing phase, floated into the floating dock from the submarine construction hall.
“The floating of Murat Reis, the third of six submarines under construction, outfitting, and testing at the Golcuk Naval Shipyard Command, was carried out on June 7, 2024,” the Ministry of National Defense stated in its post on the X account.
On May 25, 2023, the New Type Submarine Project launched the second submarine, Hizir Reis, into the water. This year, the Naval Forces expect the first submarine, TCG Piri Reis, to join their inventory.
TCG Murat Reis
The TCG Murat Reis, a Type 214-class submarine, is the third of its kind in the Turkish Naval Forces, with its construction initiated in 2022 and set to enter service in 2025 officially. This submarine class boasts an air-independent propulsion system, making it one of the most advanced submarines in the Turkish Navy.
Under the New Type Submarine Project, signed between the Presidency of Defense Industries and the German ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems firm on June 22, 2011, construction activities began for six U-214 Class submarines at the Golcuk Naval Shipyard Command.
The first submarine, TCG Piri Reis, was laid down in 2015, followed by the TCG Murat Reis as the third submarine in the series.