Members of staff stand near the Bayraktar Kizilelma UCAV during the opening day of the SAHA EXPO 2024, an International Defence and Aerospace exhibition, in Istanbul on October 22, 2024. (AFP Photo)
By Newsroom
Nov 11, 2024 12:12 PM
Türkiye’s national aerospace giants, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) and Baykar, have secured positions among the top 50 largest aerospace companies worldwide based on 2023 sales revenue, according to a report by Counterpoint Market Intelligence for FlightGlobal.
The list, dominated by Boeing and Airbus, features TAI at 38th and Baykar at 49th place.
TAI achieves top 50 status with military and civil aviation platforms
TAI ranked 38th with $2.67 billion in sales revenue for 2023.
The company, known for platforms like ANKA, Hurjet, and the KAAN, has seen substantial growth through advanced R&D and high-tech solutions. TAI’s exports and structural product deliveries to civil aviation firms have strengthened its position on the global stage.
Türkiye’s KAAN fighter jet. (TAI Photo)TAI Hurjet flying after terrorist attack on Ankara, Türkiye. (AA Photo)A Turkish drone flies over the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) building, after a huge explosion at the TAI headquarters, in Kahramankazan, some 40 kilometers (25 miles) north of Ankara on October 23, 2024. – Four people were killed and 14 others wounded in an attack on the headquarters of a top Turkish defence firm TAI, near Ankara, Turkish officials said October 23. (Photo by Adem ALTAN / AFP)TAI, one of Türkiye’s favorite companies in the defence industry, continued its activities without interruption after the terrorist attack, while domestic and national systems produced by Turkish engineers, from Hurkus to Hurjet, from Gokbey (in photo) to ATAK, took to the air one after the other, showing off in the “sky homeland.” (AA Photo)
Baykar enters list with strong export-driven growth
Baykar made its debut at 49th place, generating $1.8 billion in sales. Known for its Bayraktar TB2 drone, Baykar has become the world’s largest exporter of armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
The company’s success is built on robust export agreements, accounting for over 90% of its revenue. Baykar has signed deals with 35 countries for its Bayraktar TB2 and Akinci UAVs, further investing in new platforms like Bayraktar TB3 and Kizilelma.
MARRAKECH, MOROCCO – NOVEMBER 1: Turkiye’s unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) Baykar Bayraktar TB3 is exhibited at “Marrakech Air Show 2024” International Aerospace Exhibition organized in Marrakech, Morocco on November 01, 2024. ( Said Echarif – Anadolu Agency )Türkiye’nin ilk insansız savaş uçağı Bayraktar KIZILELMA’nın üretim prototipi, ilk uçuş testini başarıyla tamamladı. ( Baykar – Anadolu Ajansı )TB2 drone of Turkish drone-maker Baykar is seen at a stand during the first day of SAHA EXPO Defence & Aerospace Exhibition in Istanbul, Türkiye, November 10, 2021. (Reuters Photo)Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri (TSK), Kıbrıs Barış Harekatı’nın 50. yıl dönümü kapsamında özel hazırlık yaptı. Etkinliklerde, TCG Anadolu gemisi, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti’ne (KKTC) liman ziyareti yapacak ve 50. yıl anısına 50 gemi ile denizde geçit töreni icra edilecek. Geçit töreninde 2 Bayraktar AKINCI TİHA ile 4 F-16 savaş uçağı da yer alacak. Baykar tarafından milli ve özgün olarak geliştirilen 2 Bayraktar AKINCI Taarruzi İnsansız Hava Aracı (TİHA), kutlama programına katılmak üzere tarihi bir uçuşa imza attı. AKINCI Uçuş Eğitim ve Test Merkezi’nden havalanan 2 Bayraktar AKINCI TİHA, yaklaşık 3 saatlik uçuş sonrasında KKTC Geçitkale Havalimanı’na başarıyla iniş gerçekleştirdi. ( Baykar – Anadolu Ajansı )
Global leaders maintain top spots
Boeing led the rankings with $77.79 billion in sales, followed by Airbus at $70.83 billion. Other major players included RTX, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman, underscoring the dominance of the U.S. defense industry in the aerospace sector.