South Korea’s earthquake relief deepens 75-year friendship with Türkiye

South Korea’s response to the devastating earthquakes that struck Türkiye on Feb. 6, 2023, has further solidified the 75-year-old friendship between the two nations, rooted in their shared history dating back to 1949.
The Korean Red Cross, in collaboration with Türkiye’s relief agencies, launched a significant aid campaign, marking the most successful fundraising effort in its history. The campaign raised $31.2 million, which was used to purchase over 136,000 emergency relief supplies, establish 11 social facilities, and provide hot meals to Türkiye’s earthquake victims.

Symbol of long-lasting friendship between South Korea-Türkiye
Jongsul Park, secretary general of the Korean Red Cross, highlighted the symbolic nature of Korea’s support for Türkiye, recalling the long-standing bond between the countries.
“Korea’s aid to Türkiye is a symbol of our enduring friendship. This explains the heartfelt and significant contributions made by the Korean people following the earthquake. The Korean people have a deep sense of gratitude towards Türkiye, which they have never forgotten,” Park stated.
The Korean Red Cross also played a pivotal role in establishing the “Türkiye-Korea Friendship Village” in Pazarcik, Kahramanmaras, consisting of 1,000 containers, in collaboration with Türkiye’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), the Turkish Red Crescent and local institutions.

The Korean Red Cross further supported eight Community Service Centers in the disaster zone and donated 45 emergency vehicles.
Unwavering support from Korea to Türkiye
During his visit to Hatay, Jongsul Park reflected on the historical ties between South Korea and Türkiye, emphasizing the unprecedented participation of the Korean public in the relief campaign. “The relief campaign for Türkiye became the Korean Red Cross’s most successful fundraising effort since its establishment,” Park said.
He added, “South Korea will continue to stand by the people affected by the disaster until their lives return to normal.”

‘Without Türkiye, we wouldn’t be here today’
Alper Kucuk, general director of International Affairs and Migration Services at the Turkish Red Crescent, expressed deep appreciation for the Korean Red Cross’s extensive support.
When the name Türkiye is mentioned, their eyes well up with tears. We hear statements like, ‘Without Türkiye, we wouldn’t be here today.’ The Korean Red Cross received millions of letters when the earthquake struck, with people mobilizing on the streets to contribute. We truly witnessed the friendship of Korea during the disaster of the century, and saw that it is a tangible reality
General Director of International Affairs and Migration Services Alper Küçük