Nationalist leader calls for unconditional disarmament of PKK, affiliated groups

Türkiye’s Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahceli has called for the immediate and unconditional disarmament of the terrorist group PKK and affiliated groups, emphasizing that their weapons should be surrendered to the Republic of Türkiye.
In a written statement under the theme “A Terror-Free Türkiye,” Bahceli underscored the objective is to eliminate terrorism from the country’s social and political landscape.
“The ultimate end of the bloody calamity that has plagued our nation for decades is now in sight,” he said.
The goal of a terror-free Türkiye is to seal history and geography with peace, to herald hope, and to equip the nation with the spirit of brotherhood and harmony.
The end of the bloody calamity that has plagued our nation for decades is finally in sight. The era of armed violence and betrayal, which has escalated to severe levels in terms of its social, political, economic, security, and humanitarian costs, is coming to a close.
There is neither an alternative option nor any valid excuse that can be put forward, just as there is no understanding or goal that can justify separatist terrorism. The shadow of terrorism cast over political and democratic life can no longer be tolerated.
The Turkish nation will not yield to the pressure and impositions of external and internal forces, nor will it be confined within the narrowing margins of risks and threats. There is no safe haven or transitional ground between terrorism and democracy, between armed struggle and politics, between chaos and peace, or between division and unity.
Our noble nation, with its sacred determination and unwavering faith, is taking charge to overcome its ill-fated and ominous destiny. The ruins left behind by 41 years of terrorism and separatism will be removed through collective effort, the means of common wisdom, and sincere, genuine, patient, selfless, and trust-inspiring steps. The bloody traces of terrorism will be erased, and its remnants will be completely eradicated.
MHP leader Devlet Bahceli

Call for unconditional disarmament
Bahceli asserted that the prolonged period of armed violence and betrayal is coming to a close, leaving no room for further excuses or justifications for separatist terrorism.
He rejected any narratives attempting to legitimize or rationalize terrorist activities.
“The Turkish nation will not yield to external or internal pressures, nor will it succumb to the narrowing grip of risks and threats,” he stated. “There is no middle ground between terrorism and democracy, between weapons and politics, between chaos and peace, or between division and unity.”
“The Turkish nation will not yield to external or internal pressures, nor will it succumb to the narrowing grip of risks and threats,” he stated. “There is no middle ground between terrorism and democracy, between weapons and politics, between chaos and peace, or between division and unity.”
Extreme caution, responsibility, diligence, and vigilance are required to ensure that there are no setbacks, misinterpretations, or disruptions to the delicate and optimistic progress being made. We are now presented with a golden opportunity that cannot be neglected or violated.
This opportunity must be seized with a shared understanding, clear foresight, and prudent wisdom, without succumbing to baseless fears. Should the DEM Party maintain its level-headedness, composure, and consistent, stable steps, it will also pave the way for becoming a truly national party in Türkiye.
The Feb. 27 Imrali call explicitly binds the PKK terrorist organization and all its extensions and affiliated groups. The claim that the YPG and similar terrorist formations are exempt or excluded from this call is an unfounded and deliberate distortion that completely contradicts the nature of the organizational and founding leadership.
The founder of the terrorist organization has demanded its dissolution. Any attempt to stall for time, create confusion, disrupt the ongoing positive agenda, or intensify political and legal maneuvering efforts is sheer irresponsibility.
MHP leader Devlet Bahceli

Imrali’s Feb. 27 call must be respected
Referring to a February 27 call from Imrali, Bahceli stressed that compliance with this call is obligatory for the PKK and its affiliates.
“The February 27 Imrali call explicitly binds the PKK and all its affiliated organizations,” he stated. “Claims that groups like the YPG are exempt from this call are entirely baseless and contradict the fundamental nature of the organization.”
He rejected any delays or obfuscation regarding the process. “The founder of the terrorist organization has called for its dissolution. Any attempts to stall, muddy the waters, or demand political or legal adjustments are unacceptable,” he stated.
Bahceli criticized efforts to redefine Türkiye’s national identity through constitutional debates, calling such discussions an obstacle to a terrorism-free Türkiye. “Those who dream of disrupting the national unity campaign are engaging in reckless maneuvers,” he said.
Especially those who attempt to impose a hybridized national identity, who recklessly and prejudicially question the definition of Turkish citizenship as enshrined in the Constitution, are merely opportunists dreaming of derailing the mobilization for a terror-free Türkiye.
If this mobilization reaches its goal on a realistic and broad basis, the ultimate winner will undoubtedly be everyone united under a common destiny. The immense peace and prosperity that will emerge will be a source of great pride for all.
In our view, every individual is Türkiye; the entire nation is one. The collective conscience of society is unequivocally in favor of the permanent and definitive eradication of terrorism. There is no room for disagreement on the fulfillment of this goal in the shortest time possible.
Those who exploit the fluctuations of time and circumstances to prolong, delay, or even sabotage the resolution of this grave issue—those who fuel discord and spread distorted narratives—will bear an unaccountable burden of responsibility.
Our country is committed to constructing and reviving a future free from terrorism through political consensus and social solidarity. There is no doubt that terrorism is a grave and devastating crime against humanity.
Terrorism is the utter disregard for the legacy and trust of humanity. The Turkish nation is neither condemned, nor compelled, nor deserving of living with terrorism.
MHP leader Devlet Bahceli

Criticism of cease-fire discussions
Bahceli dismissed the idea of a ceasefire, asserting that it is not an appropriate framework for the situation at hand.
“A cease-fire implies an agreement between two equal and sovereign entities engaged in conflict. Such an environment does not exist here. Any suggestion of a ceasefire is a unilateral delay tactic and a futile distraction,” he declared.
He emphasized that the PKK and its affiliates must surrender their weapons without preconditions. “The PKK terrorist organization and its affiliated groups must immediately and unconditionally lay down their arms and hand over their bloodstained weapons to the Republic of Türkiye,” he stated.
The PKK terrorist organization and its affiliated groups must immediately and unconditionally lay down their arms and surrender their weapons to the Republic of Türkiye. The declaration of a ceasefire is neither a correct, balanced, nor appropriate statement.
For a ceasefire to be applicable, there must be a legitimate, lawful, and ethical context in which equal and sovereign powers engage in mutual relations and struggle. However, in this case, every proposal or statement made in this direction is nothing but a unilateral distraction and futility.
At a time when global politics and strategic relations are poised for numerous disruptive developments, the complete disarmament of the terrorist organization and all its extensions and affiliates is an irreplaceable necessity.
In today’s world, where geopolitical fractures are dangerously prevalent, there is an urgent need for the operability and functionality of the spirit of national unity and solidarity.
The separatist terrorist organization must comply with the February 27th call from its founding leadership, disassociate itself from armed struggle unconditionally, and dismantle its organizational structure.
Any action, speculation, or postponement beyond this will not be deemed legitimate or acceptable.
The escalating, tangible, and increasingly dangerous debates surrounding the constitutional definition of Turkish citizenship go beyond freedom of expression; they carry a destructive and toxic function. It is our sincere expectation that this ill-intentioned chaos be brought to an immediate end.
MHP leader Devlet Bahceli
The regional chaos dynamics remain highly active and operational. The alarming conflicts in Syria’s Latakia and Tartus regions are showing signs of expansion. It is evident that externally orchestrated ethnic and sectarian provocations are being comprehensively engineered against both our country and neighboring states.
The global and regional institutional order is being recklessly and irresponsibly dragged into a deep and uncontrollable crisis. The dominant international system that emerged after World War II is on the brink of collapse, struck by fatal blows.
The critical question remains: Will a new world order be established based on justice, equality, fairness, and dignity? When will the political and strategic roadmap be determined? How will the unbridled fragmentation and disorder in democracy and law be remedied? These are pressing concerns for all individuals, nations, and states.
MHP leader Devlet Bahceli

A necessary step amid global instability
Bahceli argued that the complete disarmament of the PKK and its affiliates is an indispensable step, particularly in light of current global tensions and geopolitical uncertainties.
He warned Türkiye cannot afford to be drawn into regional conflicts or manipulated by foreign interests. “The ongoing clashes in Syria’s Latakia and Tartus indicate a broader effort to provoke instability. Ethnic and sectarian provocations are being orchestrated against both our country and our neighbors,” he said.
Bahceli also voiced concerns over international developments, stating, “The global order established after World War II is crumbling under the weight of its contradictions. At stake is whether a new world will be built on justice, equality, and dignity or whether chaos will continue to spread.”
Türkiye, having strengthened its internal peace and harmony through the culture of brotherhood and fortified its national honor, will undoubtedly grow stronger and exhibit steadfast resistance against global and regional threats.
The “Century of Türkiye” is the century of peace and security. It is the century of national assurance amid global turmoil, the proud legacy of a thousand years of brotherhood, and the grand convergence of our noble nation from east to west, from north to south.
Therefore, the historic call made on Feb. 27, 2025, by Imrali must be adhered to by the PKK and all its affiliated and linked organizations.
The objective of a terror-free Türkiye must be achieved immediately, and terrorism must be eradicated from our lives. Otherwise, anyone who unlawfully carries arms will bear the heaviest consequences.

A new era for Türkiye
Looking ahead, Bahceli stressed that Türkiye’s future will be shaped by peace and national unity. “The Century of Türkiye is the century of peace and security,” he said. “It is a testament to our nation’s resilience, our unwavering unity, and our commitment to stability.”
He concluded by reiterating the urgency of the situation. “The goal of a terrorism-free Türkiye must be achieved immediately. Anyone unlawfully carrying weapons will bear the heaviest consequences,” he warned.