Main opposition MP labels Türkiye’s Blue Homeland doctrine as fairy tale

Namik Tan, a Member of Parliament from the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), made statements regarding the Blue Homeland doctrine, which encompasses Türkiye’s maritime jurisdiction areas.
Speaking in the Parliament, Tan referred to the Blue Homeland as a “fairy tale.” A retired ambassador to Washington between 2010 and 2014, Tan has been an influential figure in foreign policy and has also served as an advisor to the CHP Chairman.
Tan participated in the plenary sessions of the Turkish parliament and delivered a speech.
In his remarks, Tan described the Blue Homeland as a “fairy tale.”
Criticizing Türkiye’s steps in foreign policy, Tan stated: “It quickly turned its back on the so-called Blue Homeland fairy tale.”
‘It’s unacceptable, irresponsible’
The ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Spokesperson Omer Celik criticized Tan’s words, stating: “It is unacceptable, irresponsible, and inappropriate for CHP MP Mr. Namik Tan to call the ‘Blue Homeland’ a ‘fairy tale.’
This stance supports Greece’s baseless claims against Türkiye’s national policy and demonstrates a misguided political perspective.