Here is how Turkish newspapers react to Assad’s fall in Syria

The fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria and the capture of Damascus by anti-regime forces marked a turning point in the country’s history, prompting extensive coverage in Türkiye.
Turkish newspapers highlighted the collapse of Assad’s rule and the end of the 61-year Baath Party regime, often focusing on themes of liberation, justice and hope for a new chapter in Syria.

Some Turkish newspapers highlighted that it was time for Syrians to return to their homeland now that the Assad regime’s brutality was over. Outlets also reported the wide celebrations of the Syrian minority living in Istanbul and other major cities.

Headlines highlighting historic shift
Turkish media framed the events with striking headlines, emphasizing the significance of the developments in the region:
- Hurriyet: “Damascus Falls, Assad Flees”
- Turkiye: “Sajdah al-Shukr (prostration of gratitude) in Umayyad Mosque“
- Cumhuriyet: “Damascus Falls”
- Karar: “Dictator Overthrown”
- Sabah: “Oppression Ends, Time to Return”
- Yeni Safak: “Victory Through Patience”