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G-20 Türkiye participation: Key points to know

G-20 Türkiye participation: Key points to know
By Newsroom
Feb 23, 2024 10:25 AM

Türkiye joined discussions on Israel-Gaza and conflict resolution at the G-20 Foreign Ministers Meeting in Rio on Wednesday and Thursday

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan participated in the G-20 Foreign Ministers Meeting held on Feb. 21-22 in Rio de Janeiro, within the framework of Brazil’s G-20 Presidency.

In a statement to the press before the meeting, Brazil’s G-20 Chief Negotiator Mauricio Lyrio said, “We are living in a world without global governance and going through an unprecedented period of conflict. There is a lack of governance to tackle global challenges.”

Minister Fidan emphasized the importance of global diplomacy and the G-20 developing joint initiatives in all areas of crisis, noting that the international community faces many challenges brought by global inequalities, economic vulnerabilities, environmental issues, and groundbreaking technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Why Brazil?

The decisive role of the current chairing country in setting the G-20 agenda, with recent years seeing emerging economies take the helm, is notable. Following Indonesia in 2022 and India in 2023, Brazil assumed the G-20 presidency this year. Next year, South Africa will take over as the G-20 chair.

The presidency of emerging economies in the G-20 seems to amplify the voice of the “Global South” within the G-20 framework.

In this context, Brazil announced its focus on issues prioritized by developing countries, such as combating hunger, poverty, and inequality, as well as energy and reforming global governance institutions.

Humanitarian crisis in Gaza

Within the scope of the G-20, which includes the world’s largest economies, Türkiye’s position on key issues such as Israel’s attacks on Gaza, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the inadequacy of global governance mechanisms carry weight.

Fidan drew attention to the humanitarian tragedy unfolding in Gaza and once again called on the international community to push for an urgent cease-fire and facilitate humanitarian aid.

He also emphasized that the second year of the war in Ukraine has passed, expressing Türkiye’s hope for the involved parties to return to diplomacy and reach a negotiated solution. He stated that Türkiye will continue its efforts in this direction.

Failure of UNSC

Fidan highlighted the United Nations Security Council’s (UNSC) failure to take action on many issues, particularly in Gaza, stating that it casts a shadow on the “credibility of the entire U.N system.” He emphasized the need for a more democratic and accountable system supported by international laws.

Fidan emphasized the need for strong multilateral institutions and effective global governance mechanisms to overcome geopolitical tensions in the multipolar world order.

Additionally, he pointed out that the international financial system should be truly inclusive, rule-based, more transparent and sustainable. 

Bilateral meetings alongside event

Fidan held separate meetings with Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Faysal bin Farhan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne in Brazil. 

In his meeting with Lavrov, Fidan expressed his hope for a diplomatic solution with the participation of all parties in the war in Ukraine.

He conveyed Türkiye’s support for all efforts aimed at preserving regional stability and prosperity. The two ministers also discussed the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza and potential steps that could be taken.

Blinken-Lavrov meeting in next G-20 summit

Mauricio Lyrio expressed his support for the expansion and reform of the UNSC, stating that consensus could not be reached due to the resistance of veto-wielding countries.

Meanwhile, it was reported that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russia’s Lavrov will meet face-to-face for the first time since the Foreign Ministers Meeting in New Delhi, India, on March 2, 2023.

The G-20 Leaders Summit, bringing together the world’s largest 20 economies, will be held in Rio de Janeiro in November.

In the G-20 hosted by Türkiye in 2015, food security was brought to the agenda for the first time, with counterterrorism and migration issues taking the forefront.

Source: Newsroom


Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:20 PM