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FM Fidan urges global solidarity with Palestinians at OIC summit

FM Fidan urges global solidarity with Palestinians at OIC summit
By Newsroom
May 5, 2024 2:37 PM

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan calls for global unity in support of Palestinians, emphasizing as the urgency of ending Israel’s oppression, during his address at the OIC Summit in Banjul

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan emphasized that if Israel succeeds in implementing its plans for Gaza, an unimaginable catastrophe will occur as he addressed the 15th Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Summit held in Banjul, Gambia.

Minister Fidan pointed out that Israel has escaped accountability despite its actions and stressed the duty of the entire Muslim community to stand in solidarity with Palestinians.

“This is our test. We must prove that we can unite. We must demonstrate that the Islamic world can achieve results through diplomatic means and, when necessary, through coercive measures. Islamic history is filled with destructive divisions. The Palestinian cause cannot be sacrificed for regional rivalries. None of us have the right to solve our disputes or competitions over the blood of Palestinians. If the solidarity and unity of the Islamic world are lost, the only winner will be Israel and its supporters,” he said.

Resistance against occupation is now a global struggle

Resistance against occupation is now a struggle between oppressors and the oppressed worldwide, not just between Israel and Palestine, Fidan emphasized, adding that if this historical injustice is not rectified now and forever, the next stage will bring an even greater disaster.

Fidan stated that everyone must pressure Israel to end its oppression of Palestinians and push for a two-state solution, emphasizing that there is a price to pay for violating international law.

Using all available and effective means to pressure Israel is imperative, Fidan stressed, highlighting Türkiye’s imposition of a full trade embargo on Israel.

Reminding of Türkiye’s decision to intervene in the genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice in South Africa on May 1, Fidan emphasized they will use all diplomatic means necessary to ensure Israel does not go unpunished and will not shy away from any initiative.

Call for monitoring OIC decisions’ implementation

Fidan invited everyone to monitor whether the decisions taken at OIC meetings since Oct. 7th have been implemented, noting that if the decisions are not implemented, these meetings will only give Israel more time to kill more Palestinians.

Fidan emphasized that today, people across the Muslim world and around the world are watching them, expecting tangible results from this summit.

“Recognition of Palestine by more countries will deal a significant blow to Israel. Furthermore, we must make every effort to secure full U.N. membership for Palestine,” he said.

Fidan also addressed the unjust isolation imposed on Turkish Cyprus and the situation of Western Thrace Turks, Crimean Tatars and Uyghurs, emphasizing the need for unity in the Islamic world on these issues as well.

Source: Newsroom
Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:19 PM