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AK Party Vice Chairman Celik addresses press amid MYK meeting

By Selin Atay
Apr 2, 2024 6:00 PM

AK Party Vice Chairman Celik dismisses calls for early elections, citing the existing mandate and timeline, emphasizing the distinction between local and presidential elections

The ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AK Party) Spokesperson Omer Celik held a press conference during the Central Executive Board (MYK) meeting at the party’s headquarters on Tuesday.

Describing it as “an evaluation meeting regarding the messages communicated by our nation in the election,” Celik emphasized that the meeting’s agenda solely revolves around election-related matters.”

“In this MYK meeting, only the election agenda is being evaluated. The congress process was not discussed in any way. It is entirely an MYK focused on the election process. It’s a meeting to delve deeper into understanding the messages conveyed by our nation and how the election went, the process, and why the election results turned out the way they did for our party. Changes in authorized bodies are at the discretion of our President (Recep Tayyip Erdogan). Our president always has the authority, as the chairman, within the framework of our regulations. However, these matters were not brought up at the MYK.”

Celik expressed that the March 31 elections exemplified Türkiye’s democratic stance.

“Türkiye completed a significant election process, both general and local elections, in this manner. The elections took place with a maturity befitting our democratic history. We thank everyone who contributed to this process. Of course, our citizens deserve the most important thanks. It has enabled Türkiye once again to demonstrate the power of democracy to the whole world. Our nation expressing itself through the ballot box is Türkiye’s greatest strength. The governing element of Türkiye is democracy, the ballot box. In addition to being a festival of democracy, each election also consolidates and institutionalizes our democracy.”

Regarding the comments suggesting a loss of votes for the ruling party, Çelik remarked:

“We are evaluating this matter. There is never a single-factor approach; therefore, we are evaluating it from various perspectives, both technical and political. Afterwards, we will transform it into a political framework, and that framework will guide us in terms of our political production for the remaining 4.5 years.”

“In this context, we express that we will interpret the messages of the March 31 elections directed toward our party in the clearest and most comprehensive manner. We have faced the public 18 times so far with this election. There are places where we have undesirable results and where we have not achieved the desired outcomes. Our nation has issued warnings, criticisms, and objections in these areas, all of which are being closely scrutinized by us. It’s our obligation, it’s the essence of our democratic understanding, to fully grasp and evaluate these messages from our nation.”

“Local elections and presidential elections should not be confused with each other”

Addressing the calls for early elections following the main opposition party CHP obtaining a majority of votes, Celik said: “(Calls for early elections) lack logic. The general election was held between May 14 and May 28. The Presidential Cabinet and our president have a mandate for five years. There are more than four and a half years left in the upcoming period. Throughout this period, the presidential office and the Cabinet will fulfill their duties with the mandate given by the people. Local elections and presidential elections should not be confused with each other.”

Celik emphasized that the AK Party reflects the views and aspirations of the Turkish people.

“The AK Party organs will continue to fulfill their responsibilities, producing policies in line with all messages received. Our AK Party was established by the people; therefore, the message given by our citizens is always an indispensable roadmap for us, showing us what we will do in the future. Therefore, all election results, in all provinces, districts, towns, neighborhoods, and even down to each ballot box, are being comprehensively understood by our party, internalized, and will continue to guide our political production.

When our citizens demonstrate their will, we accept it with respect.  There should be no doubt that we will take seriously the results indicating a setback expressed by our people throughout this process and structure our politics according to our people’s demands and warnings in the upcoming period.”

Regarding the incidents in Van, Celik pointed out that it is a matter related to legal regulations under the discretion of the provincial election board. 

“The incidents in Van are related to legal regulations under the discretion of the provincial election board. This is not an area where the political sphere intervenes or where the government can intervene. The provincial election board is competent and the Supreme Election Council is the ultimate decision-making authority. The appeal mechanisms are clear.

If they are legally justified, the outcome will align with their desires. However, if they are not legally justified or if the election conditions are not met, it is important for everyone to respect that. The situation is interesting because there’s a call for a democratic reaction, yet the response leads to street violence and attacks on the police. While expressing a democratic reaction is a fundamental right, transforming it into acts of violence is not in line with democratic principles.”

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 5:35 PM