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AK Party adapts strategies post-election to align calls for change

By Selin Hacialioglu
May 10, 2024 5:06 PM

Following a disappointing second-place finish in local elections, the AK Party is urgently reassessing its economic policies and leadership to address widespread voter dissatisfaction

By Yucel Kayaoglu —  Following a second-place finish in recent local elections, Türkiye’s ruling AK Party is grappling with voter dissatisfaction, as revealed by a comprehensive survey.

This poll, encompassing both non-voters and those who shifted their allegiance to other parties, has shed light on the economic strain and perceived detachment from the public as key factors diminishing support for the party.

Voters have directly voiced their frustrations, highlighting the burden of escalating prices. “The price hikes have bent our backs,” said one voter, reflecting a widespread sentiment among the electorate that the party has strayed from its base.

This perspective was echoed in the survey, where economic difficulties were a predominant concern, influencing over half of the voter defections. Issues cited included the rising cost of living, pension concerns and increasing rents.

In response to these challenges, AK Party officials are actively gathering data and insights to better align with public expectations.

“We are continuously collecting data related to election results. We aim to clearly understand what citizens expect from us,” a party official explained. They emphasized that these insights would significantly shape the party’s strategies and help craft a new narrative.

Despite these efforts, AK Party sources noted that voter support continues to decline even after the elections. They also highlighted the ongoing strength of the CHP, which has maintained its position as the leading party. This has sparked discussions of the need for substantial changes within the AK Party, including shifts in leadership and policy adjustments.

Change seems imperative, as echoed by leading figures within the party. “Simply changing individuals is not enough. If we do not change our policies, we will encounter similar results in future elections,” stated a prominent party strategist. This sentiment has catalyzed calls for radical and new measures to reclaim votes that have migrated to other parties.

Looking ahead, the AK Party is preparing for a congress that will likely lead to significant changes in its leadership and a recalibration of its policies. This shift aims to realign the party with voter expectations and address the economic and social challenges that the electorate has brought to the forefront.

Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:18 PM