After 5.0 magnitude earthquake hits Adana, expert issues warning

Following a 5.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Adana on Sunday, Oct. 27, Professor Dr. Naci Gorur warned authorities and residents to prepare for future seismic events.

The earthquake occurred Sunday, Oct. 27 at 20:07 local time in Kozan, with the Eastern Anatolian Fault Line being a key factor in the event, according to Gorur’s analysis.
Seismic activity linked to February earthquakes
Prof. Dr. Naci Gorur, a prominent geoscientist, took to the social media platform X to explain that stress was added to the Eastern Anatolian Fault Line after the February 6 earthquakes. He reiterated his earlier warnings about potential future seismic activity in the region and emphasized the need to build a quake-resistant Adana.

“Build a quake-resistant Adana” Gorur urges
In his statement, Gorur noted: “A 5.0 earthquake occurred in Minnetli-Kozan, Adana. This area is related to the Goksun-Yakapinar fault zone, which is an extension of the fault line that produced the February 6 earthquakes. Stress has accumulated on this fault, and we previously warned of possible earthquakes. It’s time to build a quake-resistant Adana.”