Türkiye’s grim reality: 357 women killed by men in past 10 months

According to a recent report from the Türkiye Women’s Association Federation (TKDKF), 357 women killed across the country between January 1 and October 31, 2024. The report, based on data gathered by the federation over the past 10 months, reveals a staggering toll of violence faced by women in Türkiye.

Weapons of femicide: Guns and knives predominate
Of the 357 women murdered, 198 were killed with firearms and 77 with knives or other sharp objects.
Anka News Agency reports that 61 of these cases have been classified as suspicious deaths, leaving many unanswered questions for victims’ families and communities.

Average age of victims and marital status highlight patterns
The report indicates that the average age of the women killed was 37. The victims’ marital status highlights a disturbing trend: 178 of them were married, 96 were single, and 26 were divorced.
The marital status of 55 victims remains unknown.
Femicide within family: Disturbing reality
A striking 135 women were killed by family members, underscoring the prevalence of domestic violence in Türkiye. Among these, 53 women were murdered while in the process of divorce— a critical period when women face heightened risks.
Additionally, the report specifies that 45 women were killed by acquaintances, and 41 by partners they were romantically involved with.
The TKDKF’s report sheds light on the urgency of protective policies and social interventions to prevent further femicides and protect women at risk.