22 parliamentarians out of 26 fail to win mayoral seats

According to unofficial results, four CHP members out of the 26 parliamentarians who participated in the local election race won mayoral seats
Out of a total of 26 members of parliament, seven were from the Good Party (IP); five each from the Republican People’s Party (CHP) and Felicity Party (SP); four from the Justice and Development Party (AK Party); one each from the Democracy and Progress Party (DEVA), Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), and Türkiye Worker’s Party (TIP); and two from Free Cause Party (HUDA-PAR) participated in the Local Administration General Elections on March 31.
According to unofficial results, of the five candidates nominated by the CHP, four were elected as mayors.
Number of CHP deputies will decrease to 125
CHP Group Deputy Chairman and Afyonkarahisar Deputy Burcu Koksal secured victory in the Afyonkarahisar mayoralty, while CHP Adiyaman Deputy Abdurrahman Tutdere emerged as the winner in Adiyaman. Additionally, CHP Kastamonu Deputy Hasan Baltaci claimed victory in Kastamonu, and CHP Kirikkale Deputy Ahmet Onal won the Kirikkale mayoralty.
With the elected deputies taking office, the CHP’s seat count in Parliament, which was 129, will decrease to 125.
22 deputies fail to win election race
AK Party Istanbul Deputy Murat Kurum, Aydın Deputy Mustafa Savas, Eskisehir Deputy Idris Nebi Hatipoglu, and Izmir Deputy Ceyda Bolunmez Cankiri did not win in the local elections.
While CHP Malatya Deputy Veli Agbaba lost the election in Malatya, IP Adana Deputy Ayyuce Turkes Tas in the Adana Metropolitan Municipality, Izmir Deputy Umit Ozlale in the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, and Bursa Deputy Yuksel Selcuk Turkoglu lost in the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality.
IP’s Istanbul Deputy Mehmet Satuk Bugra Kavuncu, Balikesir Deputy Turhan Comez, Mugla Deputy Metin Ergun, and Denizli Deputy Yasin Ozturk were unsuccessful in their bids for mayoral positions in Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality, Mugla Metropolitan Municipality, and Denizli Metropolitan Municipality, respectively.
SP Istanbul Deputy Birol Aydın, Kayseri Deputy Mahmut Arikan, Denizli Deputy Sema Silkin Un, Hatay Deputy Necmettin Caliskan, and Group Chairman and Mugla Deputy Selcuk Ozdag were defeated in their respective races for mayoral positions in Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality, Hatay Metropolitan Municipality, and Manisa Metropolitan Municipality.
DEM Party Erzurum Deputy Meral Danis Bestas, DEVA Party Ankara Deputy Idris Sahin, TIP General Chairman and Istanbul Deputy Erkan Bas, HUDA-PAR Batman Deputy Serkan Ramanli, and Mersin Deputy Faruk Dinc were among the others who were not elected as mayors.
Within 15 days, they will exercise their choice
In accordance with the provision of the Law on Local Administration and Village Headman and Elderly Council Elections stating that “a person cannot hold both parliamentary membership, mayoralty, provincial general assembly membership, municipal council membership, and muhtarship,” parliamentarians elected as mayors will exercise their choice within 15 days from the date of notification of the election results.
Those who do not exercise their choice within this period will be deemed to have rejected the newly elected position.
Source: Newsroom