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18 military officials from several countries observe SEA WOLF-II/2024 Exercise

By Newsroom
May 11, 2024 11:24 AM

Türkiye assumes a leading role in the Eastern Mediterranean, orchestrating a multinational naval exercise, SEA WOLF-II/2024

The distinguished observer day of the SEA WOLF-II/2024 Exercise conducted by the Naval Forces Command in the Eastern Mediterranean has begun.

The frigates, fast attack craft, submarines, auxiliary ships, minesweepers and patrol vessels participating in the part of the exercise covering the Eastern Mediterranean departed from Aksaz Port in the early hours of the morning.

Some 18 military officials from Germany, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Finland, Georgia, Iraq, Japan, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Libya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Portugal, Sierra Leone, Jordan and Yemen are attending the distinguished observer day of the exercise conducted in the Eastern Mediterranean.

During the distinguished observer day of the exercise conducted in the Eastern Mediterranean, Minister of National Defense Yasar Guler, who visited the TCG Salihreis ship, greeted the personnel.

At the port exit, TCG Istanbul greeted Minister Guler with a gun salute aboard the TCG Salihreis frigate.

Besides Minister Guler, Chief of the General Staff General Metin Gurak, Naval Forces Commander Admiral Ercument Tatlioglu, Land Forces Commander General Selcuk Bayraktaroglu, Air Forces Commander General Ziya Cemal Kadioglu, Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Kadir Yildiz and Northern Task Group Commander Rear Admiral Erdinc Altiner attended the briefing presented by Fleet Operations Chief Rear Admiral Kenan Kaan Turkkan aboard the TCG Salihreis Ship.

Source: Newsroom


Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 2:29 PM