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Security plans for Paris Olympics stolen from train

Security plans for Paris Olympics stolen from train
By Newsroom
Feb 28, 2024 9:51 AM

A major security breach occurred when the bag containing police security plans for the Paris Olympic Games was stolen from a train at Gare du Nord station

The security plans for the Paris Olympics were stolen Monday evening from a train at the capital’s Gare du Nord station, police sources said Tuesday.

A bag containing a computer and two USB memory sticks holding police security plans for the Paris Olympic Games were stolen. The bag belonged to an engineer from Paris City Hall, the police said, confirming a report by BFM television, adding that he had put the bag in the luggage compartment above his seat.

As his train was delayed, he decided to change trains at which point he discovered the theft.

The engineer said his computer and two USB sticks contained sensitive data, particularly the municipal police’s plans for securing the Olympics.

The regional transport police are conducting an investigation.

Paris City Hall was not able to immediately comment when contacted by Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Some 2,000 municipal police officers will be deployed during the Games, with around 35,000 security forces expected to be on duty each day for the Olympics starting on July 26.

Source: AFP






Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 7:33 PM