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PKK/YPG contacts Israel after capturing regime cities, Israeli media suggests

Photo shows a member of the PKK/YPG terrorist. A member of the PKK/YPG terrorist organization in Syria, date is unknown (AFP Photo)
By Newsroom
Dec 7, 2024 10:39 PM

The first reported talks between the PKK/YPG terrorist organization and Israeli representatives have begun, according to Israeli media. The dialogue reportedly marks the first interaction between the terror group in Syria and Israeli officials.

PKK/YPG, currently controlling areas in northeast Syria near the Syria-Iraq border, are reportedly considering their next steps and potential collaboration with Israel.

Listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the U.S. and the EU, the PKK is responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children, babies and the elderly, in its 40-year campaign of terror against Türkiye. YPG is PKK’s offshoot in Syria.

Ankara is aware of terror group’s desire to ‘grab a log from the flood’

Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasized on Saturday that Türkiye has no territorial ambitions in any country.

He added that Ankara is aware of the separatist terrorist group’s attempts to exploit the situation in Syria, warning that Türkiye would not tolerate any move that threatens its national security.

Türkiye wants to see a Syria where different identities live side by side peacefully and hopes to see such a Syria “in the very near future,” Erdogan added.

He also said that the Damascus regime was unable to comprehend the significance of the hand that Türkiye had extended and what it meant.

Syrian opposition reaches capital Damascus

Renewed fighting between regime forces and anti-regime groups broke out on Nov. 27 in rural areas west of Aleppo. By Nov. 30, opposition forces had gained control of most of Aleppo’s city center and established dominance across Idlib province.

On Dec. 1, the Syrian National Army launched Operation Dawn of Freedom against the PKK/YPG in the Tel Rifaat district of Aleppo’s countryside, freeing the area from terrorist elements.

Opposition groups have also captured Hama and are continuing their advance, seizing the Rastan and Talbiseh districts in Homs province.

In the south, opposition forces have made significant gains, moving both northward and toward the capital, Damascus.

Last Updated:  Dec 30, 2024 1:36 PM