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Sabanci in-law comments on capitalism: “Wealthy people are not happy”

Sabanci in-law comments on capitalism: "Wealthy people are not happy" Pinar Sabanci on jouranlist Ozlem Gurses's YouTube channel. Feb. 24, 2025. (Photo via YouTube screenshot).
By Newsroom
Feb 26, 2025 6:52 PM

Pinar Sabanci, the daughter-in-law of one of Türkiye’s wealthiest families, the Sabanci family, shared her thoughts on happiness, stating that while the economy plays a role, it only affects true happiness up to a certain point.

“Are very rich people in Türkiye truly happy? Believe me, I see genuinely unhappy people,” she said, reflecting on the disconnect between wealth and personal fulfillment.

Pinar Sabanci was a guest on journalist Ozlem Gurses’s YouTube channel, where a variety of topics were discussed. During the conversation, Sabanci expressed her criticisms of capitalism, emphasizing that happiness cannot be achieved simply through consumption. Her words have gone viral, sparking much debate on Turkish social media channels.

Economy’s influence on happiness is limited

Sabanci went on to explain that while the economy plays a role in a person’s happiness, its impact is limited.

She mentioned that some of the wealthiest individuals in Türkiye are not necessarily happy, sharing, “Now we see it, I am very involved in this, do very rich people in Türkiye seem happy? Believe me, I see truly unhappy people.”

She linked this unhappiness to a life driven by consumption and a lack of purpose, stating:

“Pleasure-focused happiness gives you momentary pleasure, but it is quickly followed by a feeling of emptiness. You buy more, and then the emptiness returns. This is how it works. In dopamine addiction, you experience a high, then fall deeper. You try to rise again, but the cycle repeats. It’s based on consumption. I always say, under certain conditions, the economy is crucial to a person’s happiness, like feeling secure. But it only goes so far. Now we see it, I am very involved in this, do very rich people in Türkiye seem happy? Believe me, I see truly unhappy people. Why, you ask? For example, there’s no goal, just a life centered on consumption. And what happens then? Drugs become widespread, with a constant focus on pleasure and consumption. I’m not just talking about purchasing things, but consuming content—watching series, listening to music, consuming everything. In the past, when a musician was about to release a song, we would wait for it.”

Last Updated:  Feb 26, 2025 6:53 PM