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Beat the heat: Explore Türkiye’s refreshing summer beverages

Beat the heat: Explore Türkiye's refreshing summer beverages Serving ayran, AI-powered illustration, June 24, 2024. (Illustarion by Koray Erdogan/Türkiye Today)
By Koray Erdogan
June 24, 2024

During the sweltering summer months, refreshing beverages play a crucial role as saviors. Türkiye, with its rich cultural heritage and diverse climatic regions, hosts a variety of cold drinks. These beverages not only alleviate the effects of heat but also serve as carriers of a deep cultural legacy and local flavors.

Traditionally found on family tables, street stalls, and restaurant menus, these beverages have seamlessly integrated with Türkiye’s geographical diversity and rich historical past. Here are some distinctive Turkish summer beverages and their stories:

Beat the heat: Explore Türkiye's refreshing summer beverages
Ayran, in Türkiye, Aug 21, 2020. (Photo by The Delicious Crescent)

Ayran (Buttermilk)

Ayran is one of Türkiye’s most well-known and beloved beverages. Made by mixing yogurt, water, and salt, this drink offers both refreshment and nutritional benefits.

This beverage is especially popular during hot summers. People often drink it with heavy meals because it has a cooling effect.

Beat the heat: Explore Türkiye's refreshing summer beverages
Turnip juice, in Adana, Türkiye, Aug. 18, 2020. (Photo by Istock-Asikkk)

Turnip juice

Turnip juice, specific to cities like Adana and Mersin in Southeastern Anatolia, is made by fermenting turnips from the Brassicaceae family.

Available in spicy and non-spicy varieties, turnip juice can be enjoyed both with meals and on its own. Being a fermented beverage, it carries probiotic properties that aid digestion.

Beat the heat: Explore Türkiye's refreshing summer beverages
Serving Turkish lemonade, in Türkiye. (Photo by Marmarisinfo)

Turkish lemonade

A refreshing staple of Turkish cuisine, homemade lemonade is a summertime favorite. Simple to make with fresh lemons, sugar and water, it can be dressed up with a touch of mint for an extra cooling effect.

Packed with vitamin C and delightfully refreshing, it quenches thirst and delivers a cooling sensation on hot summer days.

Beat the heat: Explore Türkiye's refreshing summer beverages
Ottoman sherbet, in Türkiye, June 8, 2018. (Photo by Daily Sabah)

Ottoman sherbets

Various sherbets prepared in Ottoman palace kitchens continue to be a delightful summer tradition. Crafted with all-natural ingredients like rose, cherry, and ginger, these refreshing beverages offer a taste of the past alongside a welcome respite from the summer heat.

These sherbets are popular choices for both entertaining guests and daily consumption.

Popular sherbets

Beat the heat: Explore Türkiye's refreshing summer beverages
Turkish non-alcoholic drink made of purple basil, in Türkiye. (Photo by Open Drinks)

Purple basil sherbet

Hailing from the Aegean region, purple basil (Reyhan) sherbet boasts a vibrant hue that’s as pleasing to the eye as it is refreshing to the palate.

Made by simmering fragrant basil leaves and sweetening with sugar, this drink offers a subtle hint of peppery spice alongside a cooling sensation. It’s the perfect way to add a splash of color and a touch of herbal intrigue to any summer table.

Beat the heat: Explore Türkiye's refreshing summer beverages
Tamarind sherbet and fruit, thought to have many health benefits. (Photo by Shutterstock)

Tamarind sherbet

A staple in Ottoman cuisine, demirhindi sherbet remains popular today. Made by boiling tamarind fruit and enriched with various spices and sugar, tamarind sherbet is commonly served during Ramadan iftars and is a refreshing choice during summer.

Beat the heat: Explore Türkiye's refreshing summer beverages
Licorice sherbet, known to strengthen the immune system with its antioxidant effect. (Photo by Shutterstock)

Licorice sherbet (Biyan Bali)

Known locally in Sanliurfa as “biyan bali,” licorice sherbet is made from the roots of a plant used in medicine and pharmacy.

The roots and rhizomes are crushed and soaked in water, resulting in a highly sought-after, delicious, inexpensive, and ideal cooling beverage during hot summer days.

Modern interpretations

Traditional beverages are also enriched with modern touches. For example, adding fresh fruit pieces to lemonade creates “fruit-infused lemonade.”

Similarly, ayran can acquire different flavors by adding various herbs and spices. For instance, in some regions of Türkiye, ayran is enhanced with chili peppers, offering innovative twists on these traditional flavors. These modern interpretations present a refreshing perspective on summer beverages, blending heritage with contemporary tastes.

Beat the heat: Explore Türkiye's refreshing summer beverages
Milk with banana and honey, in Türkiye. (Photo by Bizim Tarifler)

Adding a tropical twist, a unique summer treat emerged in Mersin and Adana during the 1930s. Locally sourced bananas are blended with frozen milk and honey, creating a cool and creamy beverage perfect for beating the heat.

Türkiye’s refreshing summer beverages not only provide coolness but also reflect our cultural heritage. These beverages refresh both the body and soul during hot summer days, connecting us with Türkiye’s rich culinary history.

Last Updated:  Jun 24, 2024 12:49 PM