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Roman artifacts found in Amasra district of Bartin

Roman artifacts found in Amasra district of Bartin
By Koray Erdogan
Mar 9, 2024 4:53 PM

Archaeologists unearth Roman artifacts during the construction of a new lodging house in Amasra, Türkiye’s Bartin province

Four Roman tombs were found during drilling excavations carried out in the Fatih Neighborhood in the Amasra district of Bartin in Türkiye. The drilling was carried out in six points under the leadership of Amasra Museum Directorate for the construction of the district governor’s lodging planned to be built in the area. 

Roman artifacts found in Amasra district of Bartin

Archaeologists unearthed gold earrings, rings, glass perfume containers, and oil lamps from four graves located 3 meters below the surface. The discovery came after meticulous excavation work following the initial finding of mudbricks.

Roman artifacts found in Amasra district of Bartin

Museum Directorate officials determined that the artifacts belong to the Roman period.

The historical artifacts were taken to the Amasra Museum Directorate and recorded.

Source: Newsroom & Anadolu Agency

Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 6:55 PM