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Is center of the world really in Türkiye?

Is center of the world really in Türkiye? Discover the debate: Is Türkiye the true center of the world? September, 2024. (Adobe Stock Photo)
By Gizem Gulmez
Sep 9, 2024 6:02 PM

The question of where the center of the world lies has fascinated geographers and scientists for centuries. Recently, claims have surfaced that Türkiye might be the geographical center of the world.

These assertions have sparked curiosity, but do they hold up under scientific scrutiny?

To determine Türkiye’s role in this ongoing debate, we need to consider the evidence behind these claims.

While Türkiye’s unique location between continents positions it as a cultural and historical crossroads, the question of whether it is truly the world’s center requires further analysis and validation from geographic data and scientific studies.

Center of the World. Türkiye Location
“Center of the World Corum” sign in Corum City Park, Corum, Türkiye, March 21, 2023. (Adobe Stock Photo)

Türkiye’s strategic location, historical significance and Ottoman Empire’s influence

Türkiye’s unique position between Asia and Europe has made it a crossroads for many civilizations. This location shaped its role as a central hub throughout history. During the Ottoman Empire, Türkiye’s importance grew further, with Istanbul serving as a bridge between East and West.

The city’s cultural and commercial influence established Türkiye as a key player globally. Yet, the idea that Türkiye is the geographical center of the world involves more than just its historical and strategic importance.

Is center of the world really in Türkiye?
Map of Corum, the center of the world, Türkiye, September 2024. (Adobe Stock Photo)

Türkiye’s location, role in global routes

Positioned on critical land routes connecting Europe and Asia, Türkiye also controls key maritime access through the Black Sea, Mediterranean, and Aegean.

Its strategic location has made it essential for global trade and transportation. To be considered the geographical center, though, precise scientific calculations come into play.

Corum’s claim, search for scientific center of the world

For years, scientists have debated how to determine the world’s geographical center. Various methods, often involving the distribution of land masses, produce different results.

Recent studies suggest that a point near Corum in Türkiye might be the geographical center of the world. The calculations indicate that this region balances the world’s land masses evenly.

Despite this, the claim continues to undergo scientific examination and debate.

Is center of the world really in Türkiye?
Corum’s unique position sparks interest as a possible geographical center of the world, Türkiye, June 15, 2016. (Photo via Teyit)

Competing claims to center, debate around methodologies

Türkiye isn’t the only region to claim the title of the world’s center. Various regions throughout history have presented themselves as the focal point, often for cultural, religious, or geographic reasons.

For example, many civilizations and religions, including Christianity and Islam, have viewed Jerusalem as the center of the world. Similarly, ancient Egyptians believed the Nile Valley to be the world’s center, a notion rooted in their cultural worldview.

However, determining the geographical center depends on the methods and data used, which explains why Türkiye’s claim is not universally recognized.

Could Türkiye location be center of the world?

Given Türkiye’s strategic and historical role, its claim as the center of the world has a certain appeal. There’s no definitive scientific conclusion, however, as researchers using different methods often reach different answers.

While some studies highlight Corum as a potential geographical center, these results remain inconclusive. Depending on the method of calculation, other locations around the world could also be considered the center.

Is center of the world really in Türkiye?
Various factors, including landmass distribution, play a key role in determining the world’s geographical center, Türkiye, June 26, 2009. (Photo via Wikipedia)

Key factors in determining center of the world, Türkiye’s location

To determine the world’s center, scientists usually analyze the distribution of land across the globe.

Different methodologies and data sets can lead to varying conclusions, which explains why Türkiye’s claim is not universally recognized.

Competing claims to the center: Jerusalem’s central significance

Türkiye isn’t the only region to claim the title of the world’s center. Various regions throughout history have presented themselves as the focal point, often for cultural, religious, or geographic reasons.

For example, many civilizations and religions, including Christianity and Islam, have viewed Jerusalem as the center of the world. Its religious importance shaped this belief, though it is based more on spiritual views than on scientific evidence.

Is center of the world really in Türkiye?
Ancient Egypt considered the Nile Valley as the symbolic center of the world, reflecting their cultural beliefs, Cappadocia, Türkiye, September 2024. (Adobe Stock Photo)

Egypt’s ancient view, Türkiye’s potential as center of world

Ancient Egyptians believed the Nile Valley to be the world’s center, a notion rooted in their cultural worldview.

Their perspective was largely symbolic, formed long before modern geographical tools were available.

Similarly, given Türkiye’s strategic and historical role, its claim as the center of the world has a certain appeal. However, there’s no definitive scientific conclusion, as researchers using different methods often reach varying answers.

Possibility of Türkiye as center, symbolic significance

While some studies highlight Corum as a potential geographical center, these results remain inconclusive. Depending on the method of calculation, other locations around the world could also be considered the center.

However, whether Türkiye is scientifically the geographical center depends on the methods used. Regardless of the outcome, Türkiye’s historical significance as a bridge between continents is undeniable.

It has served as one of the world’s most important cultural and geographical hubs for centuries.

Is center of the world really in Türkiye?
Türkiye’s strategic location raises the question: Could it be the true center of the world? Türkiye, September, 2024. (Adobe Stock Photo)

Exploring significance of Türkiye as symbolic center in global history, geography

Even if Türkiye isn’t the precise geographical center, its symbolic importance is clear. Its role as a connector between continents and its rich history make it a strong contender for the symbolic center of the world.

Regardless of the outcome, Türkiye’s historical significance as a bridge between continents is undeniable. It has served as one of the world’s most important cultural and geographical hubs for centuries.

Last Updated:  Sep 9, 2024 6:06 PM