Telegram founder Durov commits to moderation improvements amid French probe

Pavel Durov, the founder of the encrypted messaging platform Telegram, acknowledged the gravity of allegations linking the service to organized crime during questioning by French investigating magistrates, AFP reported Saturday.
Durov, 40, appeared before authorities in December, where he addressed charges connected to the platform’s alleged facilitation of criminal activities. Speaking through an interpreter, he emphasized that Telegram, which he co-founded with his brother in 2013, “was not created to be a platform for criminals,” according to excerpts from his testimony.
“The growing popularity [of Telegram], the overall increase in the number of our users, meant that the number using Telegram for criminal purposes also increased,” said Durov, who holds multiple passports, including French.

He detailed the company’s efforts to combat illicit activity, claiming between 15 and 20 million accounts are removed each month for violating laws or Telegram’s internal rules. “Every time we’ve been informed of illicit usage, we’ve tried to remove the users who have broken the law or the platform’s rules,” Durov stated.
During 10 hours of questioning, magistrates presented a sample of 15 criminal activities allegedly facilitated by the app’s functionality. Durov described his personal reaction as one of “disgust” and reaffirmed the company’s commitment to strengthening its moderation processes.
This pledge mirrors a public promise Durov made in September to enhance collaboration with authorities. He reiterated his company’s resolve during the investigation, stating it was “committing to improving our moderation processes.”
Telegram, known for its encryption features and broad user base, has faced scrutiny from governments worldwide over concerns about its potential misuse by criminal organizations.
Durov’s testimony underscores the platform’s efforts to address these issues while navigating the challenges of maintaining privacy and security for legitimate users.