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Central bank updates annual inflation forecast

Central bank updates annual inflation forecast Inflation figures announced, Ankara, December 5, 2022, Anadolu Agency
By Newsroom
June 14, 2024

In its June Market Participants Survey, the central bank released the results showing a slight adjustment in the year-end inflation forecast from 43.64% to 43.52% and a decrease in the dollar forecast from ₺38.78 TL to ₺37.75.

Dollar forecast

The year-end dollar expectation decreased from ₺38.78 to ₺37.75. The 12-month forward exchange rate expectation, previously at ₺41.80, was set at ₺41.41 for this survey period.

Interest rate expectations

The overnight interest rate expectation at the BIST Repo and Reverse Repo Market decreased from 51.51% in the previous survey period to 50.77% in this period. The CBRT one-week repo auction interest rate expectation for the end of the current month remained unchanged at 50%.

Annual growth expectations

The gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecast for 2024 remained at 3.3% from the previous survey period. The GDP growth forecast for 2025 also remained unchanged at 3.7%.

Last Updated:  Jun 15, 2024 12:18 AM