Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX for alleged land dumping for $15M

The creators of the popular party game “Cards Against Humanity” are suing Elon Musk’s SpaceX for $15 million, alleging the space exploration company dumped debris on land owned by the game makers. The lawsuit, filed Thursday in Texas, claims SpaceX invaded their property—adjacent to the company’s Starbase—and used it as a dumping ground for “gravel, tractors, and space garbage” over a six-month period.
“Elon Musk’s SpaceX was building some space thing nearby, and he figured he could just dump his shit all over our gorgeous plot of land without asking,” read a statement on a website detailing the lawsuit.
The lawsuit accuses SpaceX of failing to obtain permission before using the land and attempting to settle the dispute with a lowball offer. According to Cards Against Humanity, SpaceX gave the company a 12-hour ultimatum to accept an offer worth less than half the land’s value, which the game maker declined before pursuing legal action.
At the center of the lawsuit is a piece of land along the U.S.-Mexico border, purchased by Cards Against Humanity LLC in 2017. The company originally bought the land to oppose former President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall, funding the purchase with donations from more than 150,000 supporters. The game maker has a history of using stunts and pranks to highlight perceived injustices, and the lawsuit is part of their ongoing efforts to protect the land from unwanted development.
“150,000 people gave us their hard-earned money, and in exchange we vowed to protect this land from racist billionaires and their dumb vanity projects,” said the company’s website. The company also alleges Musk is spending millions to support Trump’s re-election campaign.