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Türkiye’s 2024 local elections attract global attention

By Selin Hacialioglu
Mar 31, 2024 11:44 PM

Global media coverage of Türkiye’s 2024 local elections interprets results as critical test of President Erdogan’s popularity

Türkiye’s 2024 local elections have garnered significant attention worldwide.

Major global news outlets have extensively covered these elections, focusing on their implications for Türkiye’s political landscape and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s future.

CNBC on Ekrem Imamoglu’s victory

CNBC discussed Ekrem Imamoglu’s victory in Istanbul, stating, “Analysts see the nationwide local elections as a gauge of both Erdogan’s support and the opposition’s durability.”

Middle East Eye’s consideration of economic landscape

Middle East Eye focused on the unexpected setback for Türkiye’s ruling party.

The publication noted, “Türkiye’s ruling party faced a major defeat in nationwide municipal elections on Sunday, losing the mayoral races in the five largest cities, including Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, and recording a substantial drop in its votes.”

Also, ruling party insiders told Middle East Eye that soaring inflation and shrinking salaries have affected the outcome of these elections.

Associated Press and Al-Jazeera on Erdogan’s popularity test

The Associated Press (AP) reported on the broader impact of the local elections, emphasizing that they led to a disappointment for President Erdogan.

“The vote was seen as a barometer of President Erdogan’s popularity as he sought to win back control of key urban areas he lost to the opposition in elections five years ago,” the publication said.

Similarly, Al-Jazeera pointed out the significance of Imamoglu’s potential reelection and referred to the elections as a critical “popularity test” for Erdogan, particularly in Istanbul.

Reuters’ approach to CHP’s first lead in 35 Years

Reuters shed light on the broader electoral trends, stating, “The CHP is leading nationwide by almost 1% of the votes, a first in 35 years, the results showed.”

Analysts said Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AK Party) – which have ruled Türkiye for more than two decades – fared worse than polls predicted due to soaring inflation and Imamoglu’s success in appealing to many beyond the CHP’s secular base. 

Reuters then sent a mobile alert to its users regarding the elections, saying, “Türkiye the punished President Tayyip Erdogan and his party in nationwide local elections that reasserted the opposition as a political force.”

AFP on high inflation, massive devaluation

Agence France-Presse (AFP) pointed out the economic elements influencing the elections, stating, “With rampant inflation and economic crisis hitting households, city mayor Ekrem Imamoglu expressed confidence of a new victory and a partial result put the CHP ahead in Istanbul and the capital Ankara.”

Bild considered it major defeat for President Erdogan

German publication Bild reported on the significance of the election results for President Erdogan, stating, “President Erdogan suffered a major defeat in the local elections.”

The 2024 local elections in Türkiye have garnered substantial attention from global media outlets. The focus on Istanbul and the performance of the opposition, especially Ekrem Imamoglu, reflect the elections’ potential impact on Türkiye’s future political landscape.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:19 PM