The amount of crude oil transported through pipelines passing through Türkiye increased in April.
According to data from the Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAS) website, 27,434,000 barrels of oil flowed through four pipelines last month.
In March, the amount of oil transported was at the level of 27,410,000 barrels.
Petroleum transportation increases
There are five crude oil pipelines passing through Türkiye: Iraq-Türkiye, Ceyhan-Kırıkkale, Batman-Dörtyol, Dörtyol-Ceylan and BTC.
However, oil flow has not been carried out through the Iraq-Türkiye pipeline for over a year.
In April, 3,277,000 barrels were transported through the Ceyhan-Kirikkale pipeline, 2,928,000 barrels through the Batman-Dörtyol pipeline, 3,403,000 barrels through the Dortyol-Ceyhan pipeline, and 17,826,000 barrels through BTC.