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Preference for Turkish nuts and dried fruits in the world market is on the rise

By Koray Erdogan
Apr 27, 2024 8:35 PM

Nuts and organic products are exported from Türkiye to 30 different countries on 3 continents. In the dried fruit category, apricots are generally the first choice of consumers, while pistachios stand out in nuts

At the summit where sector representatives evaluated the export potential in Sapanca, the increase in dried nuts and dried fruit exports drew attention. Uludağ Economy Summit, whose opening speech was made by the Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Simsek, continues in Sapanca. The summit, organized for the 13th time this year, hosts many business leaders and academics from Türkiye and around the world. The summit, which had opening speeches and first day sessions yesterday, continues today with various panels. 

Nuts and organic products are exported from Türkiye to 30 different countries in 3 continents. It was stated that the first choice of consumers in the dried fruit category is usually apricots, and pistachios in nuts. The biggest feature that distinguishes Turkish products from others is that they are produced based on organic farming methods. Turkish organic dried fruits and nuts grown based on organic farming methods have started to be preferred more in the global market. Stating that they export nuts, dried fruits and pulses from Türkiye to 30 different countries in 3 continents, Orgibite CFO Gokcen Seker gave information about the general profile of the products they export from Türkiye and said that consumers prefer apricots in the dried fruit category and pistachios in nuts. She also underlined that the most important feature that distinguishes Turkish products from others is that they are produced based on organic farming methods.

Preference for Turkish nuts and dried fruits in the world market is on the rise

“The biggest difference is that they are grown based on organic farming methods” 

Gökcen Seker, who made statements after the panel, said that the highest demand for dried fruits and nuts exported from Türkiye came from the United States of America, and emphasized that countries in the European Union, Middle East and Asian markets also showed interest in Turkish products.Stating that Türkiye’s agricultural potential and product quality provide a competitive advantage in the global market, Seker underlined that they send dried fruits, nuts and pulses from Türkiye to 30 different countries.Seker also stated that the most preferred products in their product portfolio are apricots in the dried fruit category and pistachios in the nuts category.Explaining that the difference of Turkish organic products from others is that they are grown based on organic farming methods, Seker said, “It has become the reason of choice for health-conscious consumers.In 2023, there was a significant increase in both organic and conventional product exports.We believe that this increase will continue. We aim to strengthen our presence in the global market by increasing the export of organic dried fruits, nuts and pulses in the second half of 2024 and 2025.”

Preference for Turkish nuts and dried fruits in the world market is on the rise

Increased competitiveness in the world with digital transformation

Emphasizing that digital transformation has increased competitiveness both in the domestic and foreign markets, Seker said, “With our investments in digital platforms, online sales channels and digital marketing strategies, we have enabled our organic products to reach a wide audience. This has enabled us to increase both customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Digitalization enables us to reach consumers faster and more effectively and better understand their needs.Digitalization also plays an important role in our marketing strategies to increase the recognition and demand for Turkish dried fruits, nuts and pulses around the world.”

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  May 31, 2024 7:50 PM