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Turkish Cyprus president lashes out at EU

Turkish Cyprus president lashes out at EU
By Dogacan Basaran
May 1, 2024 3:12 PM

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Ersin Tatar stated that the EU is bullying Turkish Cyprus to impose its inconsistent theses but it will not accept the federation proposal

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Ersin Tatar strongly criticized the European Union’s final declaration from the Leaders Summit, denouncing what he perceives as bullying, pressure, injustice, and lawlessness in the EU’s stance regarding Türkiye and Cyprus.

Tatar emphasized that Türkiye’s historical presence in Cyprus dates back to 1571, asserting that no entity should demand Türkiye to vacate the region.

Tatar added that Western countries, especially the United Nations, have proposed two-state solutions in regions such as Kosovo, Taiwan and even Palestine, and emphasized that it is pointless to try to forcibly unite two nations in Cyprus whose race, language, religion, culture and history are all different.

Stating that the U.N. and the EU are trying to impose a federation-based system on the Turkish Cypriots, Tatar said: “A number of games are being played to force us into a solution imposed by them. We will not come to these games. We continue to shout to the whole world that the TRNC can offer its own people a prosperous, independent, free and honorable life with the support of Türkiye.”

Emphasizing that a federation-based approach would cause Turkish Cypriots to sever their ties with Türkiye and make life difficult for them in the EU, Tatar said, “Such a situation would be the beginning of our end. If Northern Cyprus does not walk on the path of independence and freedom as a separate sovereign state, it will be eaten by the EU, and lead to dire consequences. With Türkiye’s support, we’re working diligently to prevent this.”

Tatar stated that Türkiye-EU relations were discussed at the EU Leaders Summit in Brussels and that Türkiye was asked to make concessions on the Cyprus issue in the final declaration.

At the same time, Tatar emphasized that the final declaration imposed on the Turkish side the obligation to start negotiations with the Greeks within the framework of U.N. parameters: “The aim of Greece and its allies is to turn Cyprus into Crete, to exclude Türkiye from the Eastern Mediterranean, to try to encircle Anatolia, and to reduce the Turkish Cypriot community to a minority in its own homeland.”

Source: AA

Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:19 PM