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President Erdogan condemns Gaza massacre, urging global action against Israeli aggression

President Erdogan condemns Gaza massacre, urging global action against Israeli aggression
By Yagiz Efe Parmaksiz
Mar 18, 2024 7:39 AM

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemns the labeling of Gaza fighters as “terrorists” and emphasized his solidarity with the Palestinian people

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addressing attendees at the “Ancient Friends Iftar” in Istanbul, condemned the labeling of Gaza fighters as “terrorists” and reiterated his support for their cause.

During his speech, Erdogan denounced those who defamed Palestinian fighters, asserting that aligning with such derogatory labels reflected a lack of understanding and empathy. He emphasized Türkiye’s unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people and their struggle for justice.

President Erdogan painted a grim picture of the situation in Gaza, stating, “Gaza is witnessing one of the most brutal massacres of the past century, with tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters martyred, tens of thousands more wounded, and over seven thousand innocent civilians still buried under the rubble.”

He went on to criticize the “hypocrisy of Western countries” that provide weapons and ammunition to Israel while publicly criticizing its actions. Erdogan accused these nations of turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed by Israel, effectively transforming Gaza into “the world’s largest graveyard for children and women.”

Erdogan also lamented the failure of international institutions to intervene effectively in Gaza, stating, “International organizations have once again failed miserably in Gaza. Despite the efforts and initiatives of the Islamic world and various diplomatic endeavors, Israel’s arrogance, disregard for international law, and brazenness have rendered them ineffective.”

His words underscored the urgent need for action to end the violence and hold Israel accountable for its actions in Gaza. As the death toll continues to rise and the humanitarian crisis deepens, Erdogan’s passionate plea for justice serves as a rallying cry for the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza.

The president’s remarks come amidst growing international attention to the situation in Gaza, where ongoing conflicts have led to widespread suffering and loss of life. Erdogan’s strong stance reaffirmed Türkiye’s commitment to advocating for the rights of Palestinians and seeking a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

As tensions remain high in the region, Erdogan’s comments serve as a reminder of the importance of international support for the Palestinian cause and the need to address the root causes of the conflict. The president’s words resonated with many in attendance, who applauded his unwavering commitment to standing up for the rights of the oppressed.

The “Ancient Friends Iftar” event provided a platform for Erdogan to reaffirm Türkiye’s position on the Gaza issue and underscore the country’s commitment to supporting oppressed communities worldwide.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:20 PM