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Withdrawal from Syria only after security ensured, Guler says

By Akif Bulbul
Jun 1, 2024 9:10 AM

Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Guler emphasized Türkiye’s firm stance on the situation in Syria during a discussion with journalists. Minister Guler stated unequivocally that faits accomplis in Syria would not be tolerated and affirmed, “We may consider withdrawal once our border security is ensured.”

Withdrawal from Syria only after security ensured, Guler says

At the EFES-2024 exercise, Guler provided significant and critical assessments on issues concerning Türkiye and the world to media representatives. He summarized his points as follows:

PKK’s so-called election preparations

“From the beginning, we have emphasized that the so-called election activities are unacceptable in terms of Syria’s territorial integrity and will have negative impacts on maintaining peace and tranquility in the region. Acceptance of such a situation is out of the question. I reiterate that we will not allow any fait accompli that goes against our national security and the territorial integrity of our neighbors.”

Cooperation with Iraq in the fight against terrorism

“We continue our operations in northern Iraq with the same speed and determination. Iraq, which for years did not define the PKK as a ‘terrorist organization,’ now labels it as a ‘banned organization.’ For the first time, Iraq sees the PKK as a problem not only for Türkiye but for itself as well.”

US cooperation with YPG in fight against Daesh

“The US’ cooperation with the terrorist organization PKK/YPG does not align with the spirit of alliance and endangers the territorial integrity of our neighbors, Iraq and Syria. If the goal is to combat Daesh, cooperation should be with allies, not terrorists, and we have always expressed our readiness for this. It was we who fought Daesh hand-to-hand, neutralized thousands of the most radical Daesh terrorists, and liberated Syria from Daesh.”

Meetings with Syrian regime

“Meetings with the Syrian regime are held only in Astana as a quartet with Iran, Türkiye, Syria, and Russia. We are ready to provide all the support needed for the adoption of an inclusive constitution, free elections, comprehensive normalization, and the establishment of a secure environment. However, after these are achieved and our borders are fully secured, we may consider withdrawal if necessary. The problems in the region stem from the power vacuum they created. Therefore, the situation would not have reached this point if they had the capability.”

Preparation for military operation

“I have stated before that there is no specific preparation for an operation because the Turkish Armed Forces are always ready and conduct operations whenever needed. We used to have three commando brigades; now we have over 20, and almost all are in the field. They remain in the areas they cleared. Unlike the limited and timed military operations of the past, today we are striking terrorist organizations with continuous and comprehensive operations and achieving great success in the fight against terrorism. Thanks to our new security concept for combating terrorism, we have rendered the terrorist organization incapable of moving. They can no longer find or transfer personnel and weapons.”

Compulsory military service

Expressing that Western countries are returning to compulsory military service, Yasar Guler stated, “I believe that it is essential for the children of the Republic of Türkiye to take on a duty in the defense of the homeland. Our approach in this matter is a 50% professional, 50% compulsory military service system.”

European army

Guler noted that Europe, especially after the Ukraine war, has realized the need for a security structure to protect itself. “Europe can strengthen its security architecture with a formation that includes Türkiye. We want to be part of such an army if it is established,” he said.

Israel will pay the price

Guler stated that the time has long passed to say “stop” to Israel, which has killed thousands of innocent Palestinians, including children, in Gaza. He said, “This mistake must be corrected immediately, and this oppression must end before it is too late. For Israel, the situation has now reached an irreversible point, and those responsible for this massacre will pay a heavy price sooner or later. The worst has happened. Although there is a risk of the conflict spreading, Israel will not dare to do so. Even its society protests the Israeli government every Saturday, and the crowd is growing. Maybe soon, society will oppose it more strongly. The world’s patience is also running out.”

Last Updated:  Jun 5, 2024 5:03 PM