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Turkish, Russian academics to work together on food crisis

Turkish, Russian academics to work together on food crisis
By Anadolu Agency
May 29, 2024 5:19 PM

Academics from Gaziantep University and North Caucasus Federal University are embarking on collaborative research endeavors to address the global food crisis. Gaziantep University Rector professor Dr. Arif Ozaydın and North Caucasus Federal University Rector Dimitri Bespalov convened at Gaziantep University’s campus to formalize this partnership.

Turkish, Russian academics to work together on food crisis

To tackle the multifaceted challenges posed by the food crisis – stemming from fluctuations in the global economy, the impacts of climate change, and regional conflicts – the two universities have signed a protocol to collaborate on solutions.

Under this protocol, the food research institutions at both universities will pool their expertise to develop innovative approaches and spearhead new projects to mitigate the food crisis.

Türkiye’s role

Professor Mustafa Bayram, Dean of Gaziantep University’s Faculty of Engineering, emphasized the global nature of the food crisis, stressing that devising effective solutions requires international collaboration among scientists and researchers.

He underscored Türkiye’s pivotal role in this endeavor, attributing its significance to its geopolitical position and its emergence as a norm-setting entity in food-related matters.

Professor Ali Coskun Dalgic, Head of Gaziantep University’s Department of Food Engineering, highlighted the situation’s urgency, noting that the food crisis is escalating to a global scale.

Interdisciplinary approach

He emphasized the importance of leveraging healthier processing methods and integrating new technologies into the food production process. Through collaborative efforts with North Caucasus Federal University, Dalgic expressed optimism about contributing to alleviating the food crisis through impactful research initiatives.

The collaboration between Gaziantep University and North Caucasus Federal University represents a concerted effort to confront the challenges posed by the global food crisis through interdisciplinary research and innovation in food engineering and related fields.

Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 9:54 AM