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Türkiye, Romania and Bulgaria launch Black Sea Mine Countermeasures Task Group

Türkiye, Romania and Bulgaria launch Black Sea Mine Countermeasures Task Group Admiral Ercüment Tatlıoğlu (center), Commander of the Turkish Naval Forces, Rear Admiral Kiril Yordanov Mihaylov (right), Commander of the Bulgarian Naval Forces, and Vice Admiral Mihai Panait (left), Commander of the Romanian Naval Forces, Istanbul, Türkiye. July 1, 2024. (AA Photos)
By Anadolu Agency
July 1, 2024

In a move aimed at boosting regional security and cooperation, Admiral Ercument Tatlioglu, commander of the Turkish Naval Forces, announced the establishment of the Mine Countermeasures Naval Group in the Black Sea (MCM Black Sea). The initiative, led by Türkiye alongside Romania and Bulgaria, will focus on clearing mines from the Black Sea while also fostering stronger ties between the participating nations.

The task group, formed to detect and neutralize drifting mines in the Black Sea, officially commenced its duties with the signing of operational orders by the naval commanders of the three countries.

In this context, the MCM Black Sea Committee Meeting was held at Kalender Pavilion in Sariyer on July 1st Maritime and Cabotage Day, with the participation of the naval commanders of the three countries.

Speaking at the ceremony, Tatlioglu said they gathered to sign the operational concept and permanent operational order of the trilateral task group formed to neutralize drifting mines in the Black Sea.

Tatlioglu emphasized that this historic step is a concrete indicator of the common determination and cooperation for the security of the Black Sea, stating, “As Bulgaria, Romania, and Türkiye, we have always worked together to ensure peace, security, and stability in our waters, and we will continue to do so. This task group will not only address the mine threat but also strengthen the friendship and cooperation between our countries.”

Highlighting the strategic importance of the Black Sea and the security of maritime routes, Tatlıoglu noted that the success of this task group is vital not only for Türkiye but for all regional countries.

Quick and effective response

Tatlioglu emphasized that they will mobilize all necessary resources to ensure the effective and coordinated operation of the task group, stating, “The operational concept and permanent operational order signed here today will enable us to respond to the mine threat in the Black Sea more quickly, more effectively, and more safely. I believe that this joint effort will play a significant role in ensuring the security of the Black Sea and will form the foundation for future cooperation.”

Türkiye, Romania and Bulgaria launch Black Sea Mine Countermeasures Task Group

Commander of the Turkish Naval ForcesAdmiral Ercument Tatlioglu (C), Commander of the Bulgarian Naval Forces Rear Admiral Kiril Yordanov Mihaylov (R) and Commander of the Romanian Naval Forces Vice Admiral Mihai Panait (L), Istanbul, Türkiye, July 1, 2024. (AA Photos)

Commander of the Romanian Naval Forces Vice Admiral Mihai Panait stated that this initiative, born out of close cooperation and mutual understanding among the three allied nations, is a crucial step in combating the increasing threat of naval mines and ensuring the safe passage of ships in these critical waters.

Commander of the Bulgarian Naval Forces Rear Admiral Kiril Yordanov Mihaylov also stated that they will ensure a safe environment to facilitate the normal course of maritime activities and navigation safety.

Following the speeches, Tatlioglu, Panait and Mihaylov signed the operational concept and permanent operational order of the task group that will operate against the mine threat in the Black Sea.

The ships belonging to the task group, formed as part of mine searching and neutralization efforts, will set sail for the Black Sea with a ceremony at Beykoz Umuryeri Military Port in the afternoon.

Last Updated:  Jul 1, 2024 4:54 PM