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Gaza hospital director exposes harrowing conditions of detained Palestinians

Gaza hospital director exposes harrowing conditions of detained Palestinians Gaza prisoners detained by Israeli soldiers are subjected to torture in secret prisons, Gaza, May 23, 2024 (AA Photo)
By Anadolu Agency
July 2, 2024

Mohammed Abu Silmiyye, Director of Shifa Hospital in Gaza, reported that some Palestinians detained by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip lost their lives because of torture or medical neglect during interrogation.

He stated that the Israeli army released him and 54 others after holding them for about seven months because of prison overcrowding.

Abu Silmiyye highlighted the dire conditions faced by Gazan detainees, emphasizing deaths during interrogation, including medical workers and elderly individuals who did not receive necessary treatment.

He condemned the inadequate food, physical and psychological abuse faced by Palestinian detainees by Israeli forces, resulting in an average weight loss of 25 kilograms per person.

Accusing Israel of violating international conventions, laws and customs protecting prisoners, Abu Silmiyye urged international organizations to visit Palestinian prisoners and witness their harsh conditions. He also called on Palestinian resistance factions to work for the release of detainees.

In related developments, the Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners and Released Persons reported that 36 Palestinians detained since October 7, 2023, in Gaza have died because of torture.

The situation has drawn attention following increased arrests and reports of inhumane treatment in Israeli detention centers, including at the Sde Teima military detention center where detainees were reportedly subjected to prolonged blindfolding, handcuffing, and harsh interrogation tactics.

Since Oct. 7, Israeli attacks on Gaza have resulted in significant casualties, including thousands killed and injured, with ongoing humanitarian concerns.

Last Updated:  Jul 2, 2024 2:33 PM