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Sanliurfa’s Basalt columns in Türkiye to be officially designated as natural site

Sanliurfa's Basalt columns in Türkiye to be officially designated as natural site Basalt columns exposed during road works in Siverek district of Sanliurfa, Türkiye, September 3, 2024 (AA Photo)
By Koray Erdogan
Sep 9, 2024 3:10 PM

Sanliurfa’s Governor Hasan Sildak has announced the start of the process to officially designate the basalt columns in Türkiye, estimated to be 2-5 million years old, as a protected natural site.

These columns were discovered during road construction in the Siverek district, specifically at the 31st kilometer of the Siverek-Kahta road.

The basalt columns, identified by teacher Ilyas Gizligol, are a rare geological feature formed by volcanic activity from the ancient Karacadag volcano.

Gizligol captured the columns in photos and videos and shared them with academics from Dicle and Harran Universities.

basalt columns
Basalt columns exposed during road works in Siverek district of Sanliurfa, Türkiye, September 3, 2024 (AA Photo)

Basalt columns’ protective measures, ongoing efforts

In a social media update, Governor Sildak reported that damage to the naturally formed basalt columns in the Mezra neighborhood was observed during road construction.

The Environmental, Urbanization and Climate Change Provincial Directorate quickly assessed the situation and took immediate action to protect the columns.

Mehmet Sait Sahinalp, Chair of the Department of Geography at Harran University, emphasized the importance of this discovery, noting that such basalt columns are found in only 10-11 locations across Türkiye, making it a significant natural treasure for the region.

basalt columns
Basalt columns exposed during road works in Siverek district of Sanliurfa, Türkiye, September 3, 2024 (AA Photo)

Geology engineer Ruken Tutku highlighted that the basalt columns, formed from the cooling and shrinking of volcanic lava, are globally rare and possess significant tourism potential.

Governor Sildak stressed that all relevant units have been instructed to protect the basalt columns, and a high-quality nature area project is planned for the region.

The process to designate the area as a natural site has commenced, and the situation is being closely monitored by the governorate.

Last Updated:  Sep 9, 2024 3:10 PM