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Black Sea’s Sakarya gas field hits 5.5M cubic meters daily

Black Sea's Sakarya gas field hits 5.5M cubic meters daily Türkiye's Yavuz drill ship is seen at the Port of Filyos in Sakarya, Türkiye, April 10, 2022. (AA Photo)
By Newsroom
July 1, 2024

Alparslan Bayraktar, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Türkiye, provided insights into recent developments in the energy sector.

Ambitious 2053 goals

Bayraktar highlighted ongoing efforts to make Türkiye a net exporter of minerals and energy by 2053. He emphasized the importance of increasing the use of domestic and renewable resources to achieve these goals.

Reducing energy dependence

The Minister stressed the rapid progress being made to reduce Türkiye’s dependence on foreign energy. He mentioned the annual target of adding 5,000 megawatts of new capacity in wind and solar energy. However, due to intermittent supply from wind and solar sources, he noted the need to diversify energy needs with nuclear, natural gas, hydroelectric, and coal.

Akkuyu nuclear power plant

Bayraktar provided an update on the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant, where the construction of four reactors is ongoing.

“We aim to start testing the first reactor this year. By 2028, we plan to commission all four reactors, one per year. Once fully operational, Akkuyu will meet 10% of our electricity needs, saving us from importing 7 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually,” he said.

Long-term nuclear energy plans

Bayraktar outlined a long-term goal of reaching 20,000 megawatts of installed nuclear capacity. He revealed plans for large-scale plants in Sinop and Trakya, as well as an interest in entering the small modular reactor sector.

National energy and mining policy

The Minister pointed to the 2016 “National Energy and Mining Policy,” which includes a fleet of four ships actively working.

We have reached a daily production of 5.5 million cubic meters in the Sakarya Gas Field, enough to meet the natural gas needs of 2.4 million homes

The Minister Alparslan Bayraktar

Black Sea potential

Bayraktar underscored the significant potential in the Black Sea, with the Fatih, Yavuz, and Kanuni ships operating in the Sakarya field.

“Our goal is to increase production in the Black Sea. We aim to reach 6 million cubic meters by August and 10 million cubic meters by early 2025,” he noted.

Exploration and production

He added that efforts to increase reserves are ongoing, with new locations in the Black Sea being planned for oil and gas exploration. The Abdulhamid Han drilling ship will also be used for increased production and exploration activities.

Priority in the Western Black Sea

Bayraktar mentioned that seismic studies are nearly complete in the priority areas of the Western Black Sea, including offshore Kastamonu, Sakarya, Sinop, and Rize.

Gabar oil production

The Minister highlighted the production of 45,000 barrels per day from 41 wells in Gabar, with ongoing efforts to potentially increase this to over 100,000 barrels. “This project could contribute $3 billion annually,” he said.

Broader production efforts

Bayraktar detailed additional production sites, including 15,000 barrels per day from Diyarbakır, over 20,000 barrels from Batman, and over 10,000 barrels from Adıyaman. He stated that reaching 100,000 barrels per day in Gabar would bring Türkiye’s total daily production to over 150,000 barrels.

Additionally, Türkiye’s international production, including partnerships in Iraq and Azerbaijan, brings the total to approximately 250,000 barrels per day.

Support on Energy Bills

Addressing recent changes in electricity tariffs, Bayraktar explained that post-pandemic commodity and energy price increases played a role. He acknowledged the pressure on prices due to commodities and currency exchange rates.

“Since the pandemic, we have implemented a support program for our citizens to minimize the impact. Despite a 38% increase in electricity prices, the government has provided significant support, including ₺293 billion for natural gas and approximately ₺291 billion for electricity. Without the adjustment in July, the total support would have reached ₺584 billion. Currently, the government covers 60% of a ₺1,000 bill and ₺700 of a natural gas bill. We strive to do whatever we can for our citizens within our means,” he said.

Last Updated:  Jul 1, 2024 8:13 AM